Bonnie morrrrrrrrning ....

10th January 2025 (Friday)     08.15 .... Sunrise will be a bit later than the actual time 08.39,

because of a bank of cloud;  but we're to have a "sunny with light NW winds" day once it does get above the cloud.   At the moment we have a bonnie, albeit frosty (-2C) start to Friday.   The car windscreen will need scraping, but I'll leave that until the sun hits it.

16.45   I had to move the car to allow the workmen at 'Airlie' get on with the job (loading a lorry).  Luckily I had already scraped the windscreen and been down to the harbour, so moving the car didn't take long.   It has been a lovely day, but a cold one, so I didn't go out again.   This cold spell has me staying in and warm!   And feeding 'Blob' at regular intervals.   It's already frosty so the car windscreen will need scraping tomorrow morning!    And that cold be hard work tomorrow morning!

Workmen have been erecting scaffolding on the north side of the 'Courtyard' (Cavell Place) so things will be happening there next week.   That will give me something to photograph.   

22.00    I've had a lazy day staying in and warm.  Thankfully this cold spell is going to end soon and I should get 'oot tae play' soon.  Having been 'staying in' most of the time I have been watching the 'News', which is dominated by the devastating fires in and  around Los Angeles:  it's almost unbelievable how whole neighbourhoods have been totally destroyed.   It brings to mind the Great Fire of London in 1666; but that was before fire brigades had even been thought of!   How can a modern city

suffer such complete destruction as we see in parts of LA?   Obviously the weather is a major contributing factor;  but there has to be more than that.   My thoughts are with the heart broken families that have lost loved  ones;  and with the folks that have lost everything, but got out in time!   It's almost beyond imagination.   

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