Overcast and damp ....

21st January 2025 (Tuesday)     08.45 ..... It was spitting rain when I was out giving 'Blob' his

breakfast half an hour ago;  however the forecast is 'sunny intervals with a gentle breeze', so we should end up with a bonnie afternoon.   It's my turn for breakfast now;  and I'll catch up with the 'News';  which I imagine will be mostly about  the actions of the 47th President of America.

19.00   The sun broke through just before midday and we had a lovely afternoon.   I  was awake at 04.15 and remembered what it was I planned to do today!   I'd take the car though the car wash at Leven.  And that is what I did after breakfast.   Th last time took 'her' to the car wash  I gave her the 'Rain Guard' wash (£12);  today I gave her the £13 wash (I've forgotten the name of it) and it is so much shinier.  It looks like I'd washed and polished it myself.  

Before going to Leven I phoned Alice to see what she was doing;  luckily she was going to make Carrot Cake, and needed to go to the shops to get some of the ingredients.   So;  after going through the car wash I went to the 'Lady Alice HQ' where we had a cuppa before going to Sainsbury's to do the shopping.   That done Alive then treated me to lunch at The 'Shorehead Café' and had lunch:  except it isn't called the Shorehead Café now.... it's now the 'Café Hanarella'.   We had toastie with loads of side stuff, and very enjoyable it was too, with a huge pot of tea.   From 'Hanarella we went back to HQ and had a mug o' coffee before I bumbled my way home.

You may think the top photo is me showing you the shiny car!   It is ... oops .. isn't!   The important thing to notice is that the temporary traffic lights aren't working.    

22.30     I've just had a look at the weather forecast for the end of the week.   Storm 'Eowyn' is going to pass over us on Friday, with gale force  winds.   There might be a bit of wind chill!

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