Cloudy but dry .....

12th January 2025 (Sunday)   09.30 ....  Although cloudy just now, 'sunny intervals with a light

breeze'  is today's weather forecast.   It's cold but not freezing this morning ....and; we can look forward to the air turning warmer over the next couple of days!    Havin' said that;  I prefer frosty and sunny mornings to a grey and damp one, as it is at them moment.   Bring on the sunshine! 

15.45   The beach was fairly busy when I was down there at midday(ish).   The sun was trying hard to break through;  actually it was creating a lovely soft light at the time, so that was well photographed.   It was cold, though not of the frosty kind:  the kind of cold we had at that time was the raw damp kind.   I prefer the frosty kind!   The sun eventually broke through for a wee while, but not long enough to have me unearthing the sun cream!

I had a short wander along the bents, the distance between John and Jenny's seat and Nana' Seat to be exact;  resting, and taking in the scene, on both.  On the way home (Ferry Wynd) I met some of the 'Blue Tits' going down for their daily 'dook'.   That was the extent of my exercise today.  To be honest I am looking forward to getting out on the bike again.... and wondering if I might be lucky enough to do that during the warm spell of weather that's going to come our way tomorrow .... and be with us through to at least next weekend.

21.00    I've had a quiet 'rest day';  even though I hadn't done very much to need a 'rest'.   

It's warmer tonight (I was oot at the bucket), but our weather tomorrow is to be 'light rain with a fresh breeze', so won't  be able to enjoy the warmer air.   I think Wednesday and Thursday are to be better.   That's when I hope to go out on the bike!

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