Frisky wind ....

24th January 2025 (Friday)     08.45 .... It's a breezy old morning, so a lot of wind chill:  best to

stay indoors and not far from the kettle switch.   The barometer is at 970 (and falling):  so not a day for pottering about outside.   The lights are starting to flicker now and again so I'd better get this uploaded just in case we have a power cut.  I have a gas cooker so can get hot water.... and hot food.  'Blob' has been fed .... now it's my turn.   'Slight Flap on' ;  I don't like this wind!   "Severe gales and heavy rain" is the forecast.... with the middle of the day (10.00 - 15.00) being the worst time for us. 

11.15     We had a power cut from 10.00 to 10.30: which I thought I was well organised to cope with.... you know torch, matches etc.   Unfortunately my matches were slightly vintage (as you can see in the photo) and didn't work!   I went out to see if the joiner (that's working in No 3) was in has van but he wasn't.   Luckily Chris arrived ,went and got matches and lit one of the gas rings on the cooker, to give me heat and hot water.   The electricity came  on just after Chris had done that.   Tomorrow I will be buying up to date matches.

Strangely enough (fingers crossed and all that stuff), the wind appears to have moderated slightly in the past half hour;  it is suppose to veer towards the West so that's maybe what has happened.   

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