Quiet morning ....

28th January 2025 (Tuesday)    09.00 .... It's a peaceful sort of morrrrrrrrning with an even mix

of cloud and blue sky.   There's a light, but chilly breeze ... with a unfriendly looking bank of cloud over the 'Sooth side'.   The weather forecast is "sunny intervals with a moderate breeze from the NNW backing West".   A good drying day but not overly warm.

11.30    We have a sunny 'play day' now.... and not that cold because there's only a light breeze so very little wind chill.   I've been for a paper, and down to the harbour, then home by way of Kinneuchar.   I noticed some slates lying about at the granary, and a patch of cement blown off the granary wall.   That's a different kind of wind damage!  

20.30     I've got most of the stuff I need ready to throw into a weekend case tomorrow.  I don't want overwork.   Iain coming on Thursday morning,  and we are to be in Aberdeen to pick up Jackie form work in the afternoon.    Sometimes I think I could drive up to Auchnagatt, but common sense tells me I'd tire quickly.   That's not good.

I've just been out at the bucket and the air feels raw.... like it could be foggy or something..    We're going to have 'sunny intervals with a moderate breeze tomorrow..... but never very warm.   I'll stay in and warm;  trying to shake off the after effects of that throat bug.   Today has been fairly successful;  mostly because it involved involved browsing the 'Archive'.  Browsing the 'Archive' is very relaxing;  and I have thousands of photos to browse!   Oh ... I did some ironing.

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