Nice morning ....

14th January 2024 (Tuesday)    08.30 .... we had a bonnie sunrise sky to start the day.... and the

weather forecast is good.   There has been some overnight dampness, and there's a lot of cloud just now, but the forecast is "sunny intervals with a moderate breeze".    And ... it's going to be warm (for this time of year). 

15.30   We have had a nice enough day, but the air was cooler than I expected to be.   Bruce's car was showing 9C so  it was actually warm for January.   Anyway I had a short walk up to the golf course, which turned out to be an interesting one;  there was a bonnie 'light' about, and things happening, on (and off) the course.   That reminds me;  I hung out a washing this morning.   It hasn't been a great 'drying day' but I'd better check to see how dry it is.

22.30    This morning I found a film 'The Brave don't cry' (1952) about the Knockshinnoch mining disaster in 1950.   Sadly 13 men died, but 116 were saved by the sterling efforts of the Mine Rescue Teams.  I have seen the film before but it still evokes memories of the days, not long gone, when the miners fuelled the riches of the Industrial age at great risk to themselves.   Unfortunately the film was made when actors had to speak 'properly', so we had 'posh' miners.   That's the only thing that takes  spoils the film. However, even that doesn't take away from the brilliant way he film portrays the disaster.

Alice phoned in the afternoon to tell me that she, and her friend Joyce, wanted to chat on the phone.  The phone was on the loudspeaker setting.   I have met and chatted to Joyce at Alice's a few times, and was happy to do this.   Two 'girl friends' on one phone at the same time?... a tricky situation but one I could handle 'nae bother'!    During the course of the conversation it turns out that Joyce's family were friend of, and used to visit the Balcarres gamekeeper.... Hughie MacLaurin.   This brought memories tumbling back for me.... and I could have chatted for a long time about Hughie;  but we'll leave that for another day.   Hughie died in 1954 and his was the first funeral I went to.   I pass his (and his wife's) grave on the way up to the kirk.   Hughie learned 'gamekeeping' in the Killin area, and always wore plus fours to his work.   In those days that was the gamekeepers 'uniform'.

I've had a quiet and interesting day;  in fact I'll be happy to have another restful day tomorrow.   The weather should be much the same as it was today;  perhaps warmer.

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