
Showing posts from March, 2025

Nice morning ....

8th March 2025 (Saturday)     09.00 .... It's a bonnie, peaceful morrrrrrning;  sunny with a gentle breeze from the East.  I don't like the wind direction, but there's hardly any breeze at all just now, so I'll probably go out (on the bike) about 10.00, before the wind freshens, as it will.   And, it could be a cool breeze..... coming in off the cold North Sea;  but it should be really warm sheltered from the breeze.   I might have morrrrrning coffee on the patio. 14.00    We have a lovely Spring day.... and loads of folk are out enjoying the warm sun.   The inshore Easterly breeze is cool but it's really warm anywhere sheltered from the breeze;  such as the patio.    I had afternoon coffee out there. 17.30   I took advantage of the light lovely morning and biked to The Terrace Elie, back to Chapel Green then up to the Pony Field.   There was a bit of a mist as you can see from the p...

Overcast and damp ....

  7th March 2025 (Friday)     08.30 .... The sun is trying to break through the light cloud, but "light rain (we've had some) with a light breeze" is forecast, so it's going to be a mixed weather kind of day.   I'll go biking tomorrow because it's going to be sunny and warm.... with a gentle breeze from the East), so it could be cool at Crail!     20.30    I've had a busy day.   First thing I thought it was going to be a dull and damp day, but the sun broke through when I was at Alice's and it was warm.   We had a cuppa before going to B & M's to get the bits and pieces we wanted, then back to Alice's for lunch;  which was 'pulled chicken'.   I've never heard of that but we both liked it;  but we didn't use the hot barbecue sauce they'd included.   We wouldn't have tasted the chicken if we used that.   The was followed by a 'Methil Mess'  (a bit like an Eton Mess ...

Sunny ......

6th March 2025 (Thursday)    08.30 .... We have a 'bright and breezy' morning.... and the sun is to be with us all day!    There's a cool NW breeze,  and some mist, but it should be be warmer by midday;  when I hope to go biking.   Ferry Road looks naked without the traffic lights!   Actually Ferry Road is quiet this morrrrrrning;  and I don't hear and hammering coming from the different work sites around.  Must be cuppa time!   Then again;  I could be needing a hearing aid! 17.30    My face feels sunburnt after a couple of short runs out on the bike.... and a couple of long rest enjoying the sunshine on seats at Chapel Green.   The sun cream will have to be unearthed soon! Chapel Green was busy with fold out enjoying the warm sunshine;  but well wrapped up against the wind chill.   With hindsight I'd have taken  flask of coffee up to Maggie's Seat and had afternoon coffee...

Overcast with a fresh breeze ....

  5th March 2025 (Wednesday)     08.30 .... Although the sky is heavily overcast just now, the cloud is going to become 'lighter' by mid morning.    I'm hoping the  the sun breaks through, though that isn't mentioned in the forecast because I'm in a biking mood:   if the weather is amenable.   The auld bones have settled into a sort of vertical, humanoid shape.   All the Fife Weather cams are showing a mostly grey sky, the Kinghorn one has a clear bit to the southwest.   The wind, though frisky, is not bitterly cold.... bring on the sunny spells. 20.00    The sun never broke through the  clouds, so we've had a dull and cold day.  Not a day for me going out on the bike. I went to Elie in the morning to pick up my prescription and the paper.   I came out of the Chemist and into the car;  and promptly forgot about the paper, because I'd decided to visit the harbour.   As...

Breezy morning ....

4th March 2025 (Tuesday)     08.00 .... At the moment the sky is mostly overcast and there's a brisk NW breeze.   However .... the weather forecast is "sunny with strong winds" ,so it's going to be'bright and breezy'.... breezy being F7 (on the Beaufort Scale of wind strength).   I don't think the  bike will be out today: but it might be a Spring cleaning day!   Then again it might be a 'rest day';  it depends on how enthusiastic I feel about Spring cleaning after breakfast!    And how the weather develops. 15.00   The sun has been trying to break through the cloud, but has never quite made it..... so far.   The wind isn't as strong as was forecast;  but it will be stronger, on the beach and golf course, than it is in the sheltered Ivy patio.    I have been working in the wee bedroom so the day hasn't been totally wasted.   It's far to cold to go out on the bike;  not only...

Lovely morning .....

3rd March 2025 (Monday)    09.00 .... It's a bright and breezy morning with some early morning mist;  the sun will burn off the mist and we should have a bonnie 'play' day.   Not that I'm going to be out playing today;  I'm in a mild Spring cleaning mood.   I intend doing the spring cleaning in short (very) spells, with loads of tea breaks, and going out on the bike, in the middle of the day.  The biking depends on how breezy it is.  At the moment we have a fresh breeze ... so there is wind chill. 19.30    Although breezy, the air was reasonably warm by midday, when I went biking today.   I did the Chapel Green run, plus a short run up Sea Tangle Rod to get some photos of the cliffs.   My legs were feeling much better:  they were more like my normal biking legs today.  And .... I am feeling  confident and adventurous.    Depending on the wind tomorrow (it's to be windier than today)...

Lovely morning ....

2nd March 2025 (Sunday)    08.00 .... There's a touch of early morning frost in the air, therefore cold on the lugs, but a woollie hat takes care o' the lugs;  so it's a lovely morrrrrrrning for getting up and out!   I'm nearly vertical this morning .... my legs are less wobbly, so they must be getting used to being  back on the bike.  First thing today I'm going to Leven and Methil, but will go biking out in the middle of the afternoon;  I might tackle 'The Villages' run if the streets are reasonably quiet. ... and if I'm feeling frolicsome at the time   Which I am at the moment.   Had it not been frosty I'd have gone biking now. 20.00    It has been a bonnie day, but with a cold breeze;  and the sky began to cloud over over after lunch, and we ended up with mostly cloudy (and grey) sky with a cold wind.   By the time I got back from Methil, put the messages away and had a cuppa it was too cold for me...

Overcast but dry .....

1st March 2025 (Saturday)     I'll begin by wishing all my friends from Wales a "Happy St David's Day"!   Enjoy your especial day. 09.15 .... I was expecting a bright morning, but the sky is overcast with a cold NW breeze;  but at least it's fry.   All the Fife Weather cams are showing a cloudy sky, but the Kinghorn cam has promising looking breaks in the sky.  'Sunny intervals with a moderate breeze 'is forecast  by morrrrrning coffee time.   I've been as far as the front gate .... and it is not warm. 20.00    My legs are getting used to being back on the bike again.... but it's going to take a few more days before I attempt a run through Elie Estate.   I took the car up to the shops this morning and the legs were a bit wobbly when walking from the car to the shops:  which is hardly surprising considering it's seven months since I did any regular biking.  Anyway the Doctor said it would be alrigh...