Overcast but ....

2nd February 2025 (Sunday - Auchnagatt)     09.30 .... the sky is heavy with clouds, some of

Former Methil Power Station.
which look very rainy like.   At the moment it's dry but light rain is mentioned in the forecast for Auchnagatt.   Iain and Jackie are away for their morning walk;  and I'll have a walk to the end of the driveway after my morning cuppa.   The hedges and bushes aren't flappin' aboot so there's not much of a breeze;   a nice enough mornin'.... but cool.

13.30    We, Jackie Ian and me, went to Mintlaw Garden Centre for morning coffee and snack (in my case an egg  roll).   We then had a wee wander round the Centre (my morning exercise) before making our way back home.

The weather continues 'grey', though there are clearer patches of sky towards the  Northwest.   It's slightly warmer than it was yesterday. ... so I might have a wander to the end of the driveway later.  This is the last day of my 'break' so I have packing to do.   We have an early start in the morning as Jackie starts work at 07.30 in Aberdeen;   then we continue on to Fife .... and Ivy Cottage.  

14.30   I've had a walk round the garden then up to the driveway, but the temperature has dropped so I didn't stay out for long.   It's just one of those grey days we get at this time of year;   as you can see from the photo taken on our way to Mintlaw.  

17.30    Because we're leaving early in the morrrrrning, and I need to be packed and ready this is going to be my last update for today.    The next update will be around midday from Ivy tomorrow.

19.00   I don't have to 'flap' now as Iain has given me a laptop bag that can take both laptops, leaving loads of room in my holdall and other small bag for my personal  stuff.   Not that I have anything much to say;  oh I do have something to say! ..... Steven arrived  a few hours ago from his work (Glasgow), so I finally met him in person! .... instead of Skype. 

Everything is near enough packed and for the early start in the morning.   The forecast for travelling is
good for the whole journey, "light cloud with a moderate breeze"!   We'll be travelling into the sun , which shouldn't be a nuisance because of the cloud. 
The wind turbines are about half a mile (as the crow flies) from the house.

21.00    The laptop is being shut down now and the next update will be from Ivy tomorrow midday - ish.

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