Bonnie, frosty morning .....
28th February 2025 (Friday) 08.30 ..... It's a lovely morning, albeit frosty with some mist
blowing around, but it looks like being a bonnie day, once the misty stuff clears away. There's thick fog at Lochgelly. After my exertions yesterday this is going to be a 'rest day' though I might bike 'roond the Ferrie' when it's warmer. At the moment the auld bones are slightly miffed at being hauled oot o' their comfortable, horizontal, bed! Vertical isn't good!20.00 It has been another, lovely sunny day. There has been (and there still is) a cool breeze, but it was warm enough for me to get the bike out and force my legs to pedal up to Chapel Green. They (my legs) were stiff after yesterdays exercise, and had to be exercised today, and every day that the weather is suitable, until they are 'fit for purpose'. That normally takes about 14 days. Anyway I'm enjoying the exercise, even though it is sair on the legs. (I've got skinny legs and arms; it's the bit in between that's the problem!)
The view from Chapel Green always looks marvellous; especially so on a sunny day. There were a few people out walking; like me they were warmly dressed to keep out the chilly breeze. The original intention was to repeat yesterday's run, but I skipped the Pony Field bit because I was desperately in need of ... a comfort break. I left the bike out thinking that I might go out later but, with the sun getting lower in the sky the air was cooling fast so I put the bike in the shed. The weather over the next few days is forecast to be 'good' so I should get out, and go further, before the weather breaks. If the weather breaks! You never know this may be the start of a long spell of good Spring weather.
22.45 Oh Dear! Isn't it marvellous watching history being made on live television? I mean ....You couldn't make up what happened in the Oval Office today! Then again I suppose we shouldn't really be surprised; neither of the two Presidents are diplomats.... and it showed. One thing we do know; there will be frenzied diplomatic activity all around Europe tonight, trying to come up with a united 'front' before the big European Leaders meeting in London on Sunday.