Interesting clouds ....
20th February 2025 (Thursday) 09.30 ....It's a breezy old morning, with a frisky flock o', what
looks like rain bearing clouds, rattling over from the South. 'Light rain with a fresh breeze' is forecast, so the bike won't be out today. There's yellow warning for heavy rain on Friday so it won't be out tomorrow either. The temperature should reach 12C today, but with the fresh wind it will feel more like 8C; that's considerably warmer than it has been lately so I'm a 'happy boy'. Now I need a cuppa while I come up with a 'plan of (mild) action' for today.16.00 After the cuppa mentioned above I decided to have a daunder up to the Pony Field. It was 'bright and breezy' at the time; in fact too breezy so I only got as far as the 17th green. Davie (Bowers) and a mate were working there (laying labs and rubber matting) so I chatted to them, before daundering back down to Ivy. It has been a bonnie enough day, but showers started to roll in so I never went out again. Actually I had a long 'afternoon nap' after lunch.... and woke up feeling almost 'bright eyed and bushy tailed'. Although it hasn't been nearly as cold as it has been for the past few weeks, the wind took a few degrees off, what should have been, a 'cosy' feeling afternoon.
Ferry Road is in a bit of a mess just now, with signs and a set of non working temporary traffic lights; the first 200 yards of the High Street is not much better. The barriers do add a bit of colour to a photograph , as do the lights when working, so it's not all doom and gloom!
Work continues apace at Flat No3; the new roof extension looks wind and watertight now: as it will need to be tomorrow when rain and wind is forecast. My walk, though short, was interesting!
22.30 Well..... I've had a reasonably active day, which is just as well because it looks like tomorrow is going to be a computer day, if the weather turns out as forecast. I'm in a writing mood just now so I might 'hit the keys' (between cuppas) and write up the Kinneuchar Kirk page (for Alberto's Hutte) which I've been working on (intermittently) for the past few months.
Watching the News is depressing. We live on a beautiful planet, perhaps the only one with life
on it, in the Universe; meanwhile, instead looking at and talking about the wonders and beauty of our planet, most of our political 'leaders' are blundering their way towards WW III: apart from President Trump, who has said that he will not start WW III.... and is in fact trying to stop the present conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine. He works in 'mysterious ways' does President Trump, but if he does manage to bring peace to both regions, the world will be a much better place. Mind you I can't imagine President Trump admiring a butterfly, flower or tree!