Overcast and dampish ....

3rd February 2025 (Monday)      12.00     I'm 'in residence' at Ivy once again.    We set off from

Auchnagatt at 06.34 and  dropped Jackie at work (in Aberdeen) at 07.30.   Iain then drove drove me home via a stop at Morrison's (Dundee) to buy bread and mild... (and a few other necessities) arriving home at  10.25.   The weather was much the same all the way down, though it is slightly brighter now.  

We've had a cuppa... and a Danish pastry.   Lunch is in the oven and should be ready by 12.20. .... so that Iain can set off for Aberdeen at 13.00 ish, to arrive at the office in time for Jackie finishing work.   It has been  a busy morning

Iain has set up the laptop and had a walk round 'The Ferry':  I started sorting out the washing for tomorrow.... so all is 'good' at Ivy.   I've even taken the car for a turn round the Ferry.

17.00    Iain left for Aberdeen just after 13.00, and, after a cuppa, I had a go on the computer.   I'm happy with my progress.    I then had a short walk to the Ferry High Street, but that was cut short because it is bitterly cold;  it feels like there's rain coming in.   Anyway I got some photographs to play with which is what I'll do this evening.

I sort of half expected the Ferry Road traffic lights to have gone.  But, though progress has been made on the High Street bit of the job the Ferry Road bit is more or less as it was when I went away on Thursday. 

22.00    The holiday washing is in the machine but I don't think it will be washed until Wednesday:  there's a good chance of rain tomorrow.   

I really enjoyed my break up at Auchnagatt;  it was great meeting,  Great Grandson 'Sorley', and 'Dad' Steven, in real life.   I can't get over just how quickly a 'baby' mentally.   It's just amazing.    It's hard to think of 'me' at that age.   I have photographs, of me as a baby.   Gorgeous one naturally!   Anyway I had a great time up North, but for the first time I noticed that my mobility (or lack of it) is really bad.   However I can still blunder around .....slowly!                

As is normal after every 'holiday' I feel 'lonely' so I'll be taking a lot of photographs tomorrow.   I have

Former 'Staghead Inn' Largoward.
to take the car to the garage in the morning so will have another early start, but not as early as this morning.   This has been a long day and I'm well ready for bed.

It's sad watching the 'Staghead Inn' slowly deteriorate.   Maggie and I used to go there for Lunch.   The original inn was built in 1610 so there is history.   

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