Bonnie morning......

27th February 2025 (Thursday)     08.00 .... We have a bright and sunny, albeit frosty, morning. 

A morning for going out.   There's a touch of rime on the car windscreen, but the sun should get rid of that before I need the car;  and only breath of a breeze so it could be warm in the sun.  I might take a turn roond the 'Ferrie' (Kinneuchar Kirk Session spelling) on the bike, ....if it's warm enough in the middle of the day.

19.15    I went round the 'Ferrie' and up to the Pony Field on the bike; it was like having a new set o' legs.   The ability to stop wherever I want, which I can't do  with car.... absolutely magic.   Of course the weather has been perfect today;  oh that reminds me \i have a washing to bring in!  Slight 'Flap on' for the next five minutes!     10 minutes later.... I'm back!   And it's cauld oot there.   Could be frosty tomorrow morning.   Anyway that's the washing in and dangling in front of a radiator.    Now where was I?   Yes.... out on the bike.   It was brilliant and I hope the weather stays kind for a while so that I can get out (and get fitter) regularly.   Some corners of my lungs got oxygen that they haven't had for weeks!

What else did I do today?   My appointment at the Surgery!   I got all the answers that I wanted to hear;  except about the hearing aid, and that was because I forgot to mention it.   I'll phone Pauline tomorrow to find out what the next step is!

21.30    My face feels like it's got a touch of sunburn!   I suppose it might have because the sun has been seriously lacking for the past few weeks.   However, it looks like we are going to have a few sunny days in succession, so I should get out on the bike a few times;  I'm looking forward to that.... but it takes at least two weeks for the leg muscles to get back into a reasonably fit state after being off the bike for a while.  Let's hope we get a decent Spring and Summer this year.   

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