Lovely morning .....

6th February 2025 (Thursday)     09.00 .... We have a beautiful sunny morning.... and, near

enough, a wall to wall blue sky.   A bonnie day for going out on the bike.... but perhaps a bit cool on the lugs.   I miss  buzzin' round the villages on the bike:  actually I miss buzzin' all over the place on the bike!   Anyway it's a lovely morning for getting out and about.   There's only a light breeze and loads o' sunshine;  let's enjoy it!    I might wash the windows later!    Happy 'me'.    

22.30    With it being a lovely day I decided to take a run along to Dysart, picking up Alice on the way.   However Alan (Alice's son in law) was coming to set up her new i-pad so we ended up having a cuppa and chatting;  while Alan was doing all the setting up stuff.   Actually it was an interesting morning.   By the time Alan was finished and away home to Izzy, it was lunch time.   Even though Alice is on a diet what she makes is still tasty;  and we had home made rhubarb crumble for dessert.   By the time lunch was over I was thinking 'bike' because it was still sunny albeit not 'iggzactly' warm.   We had a mug o' coffee then I set off for Ivy .... and the bike.

At Ivy I put the kettle on to make a cuppa, and got the bike oot o' the shed.   The tyres needed topping up.  I had the aforementioned cuppa before going out o sort out the bike.   The first thing I had to do was find the pump with the connector on it.   That was eventually found, in the old bag that used to be on the bike.  I bought a new bag which is much better;  and the pump is now in it.

I pumped up the tyres, then checked the battery and discovered that it was needing charged.    The extension lead and charger were found (I knew where they were) and the battery put on charge.   It takes four hours to fully charge so there was no chance of my going 'roond The Ferry'  today.   The plan is to have a turn round The Ferry tomorrow if it isn't too cold.   I have an appointment at the Skeith Centre tomorrow at 14.00;  I might leave going out on the bike until I am back home.

At the end of what has been a beautiful, and busy, day I feel guilty (and surprised) that I haven't taken one photograph!    This is worrisome!    I kinda got excited with the bike, and had intended going out on it, but the battery being nearly flat (one bar) meant I couldn't.     Both photographs were taken yesterday morning!

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