Bright and breezy .....
25th February 2025 (Monday) 09.00 .... We have a beautiful start to the 'working week;
"sunny with a fresh SW breeze" is the forecast... and sunny with a fresh breeze we have. It's the perfect 'drying day'; and my washing (jerseys) has been on the line since 07.30. Although breezy, it isn't that cold so I'm going to clean the windows after breakfast.11.15 The window cleaning didn't quite go to 'plan'; my window cleaning pail has a hole in it: the water had mysteriously leaked out when I was having a cuppa! I used a paint bucket, but the windows will have to be done again when I get a new pail. I am not a happy 'bunny'. It's coffee time! The old pail will be recycled as a tub for the patio!
21.45 The window cleaning and the Spring like day got me into a Spring cleaning mood; so I have made a start with my Spring cleaning! I'm a 'happy boy' again! Funny thing is I actually like doing 'ousework but haven't been 'in the mood' since before Christmas when I had the sair throat. Anyway, today I made a start. Tomorrow I'm going to Leven to get a new pail and some cleaning stuff; and I'll visit Alice and together we'll go shopping, then to to the local kirk hall and have lunch.
It has been a bonnie day today; in fact there was a feel of Spring in the air, which got me into a Spring cleaning mood. That meant I never went out anywhere, but I have been active so I'm now tired. I have no doubt done too much and will be
I was going to have my afternoon cuppa out on the patio but it was a wee bit airy for that. Actually I have a bigger table up beside 'The Hutte' but I think I'll leave it there, and buy a new one for the new patio.