Breaking cloud .....

5th October 2024 (Saturday)     09.00 .... It's a quiet morning..... the only noise I heard when I

first went out as 'Blob' twittering away on top of the Rowan tree.   The Hedge sparrow was scuttling around picking up  Digestive biscuit crumb, but it is a quiet bird at this time of year.   Just now sky is mostly cloudy,  but it's breaking up cloud so we will have sunny intervals fairly soon: there's a light Southerly breeze so it should be reasonably warm  today.   I'll have a wander somewhere after the sun breaks through.

19.30  I went down to the beach for my walk in the sunshine.   As you can see from the photograph it has been a beautiful day.... and warm.   I don't know how warm the water was because we haven't had a good summer to warm it up, but I didn't hear ant screamin' when the swimmers went in.   I was sittin' on John and Jenny's seat so would have heard it!

The 'pedals' that Iain ordered from Amazon arrived today, and they are brilliant.   I can have exercise sitting on  a chair and, as with real biking, there's no pressure on my sair knee.   I am one happy boy tonight, because I depended on the bike for exercise..... and for getting round the villages to take photographs.   The mobility scooter will become my way of going for the paper and taking the photographs.

The computer on the pedals gives readings for different things;  I had it set on 'Distance' and it took me 14 minutes to travel 100 metres.  Unless that was a kilometre?  Mind you I burnt off 80 calories doin' the 100 metres.  That meant I could have a chocolate biscuit after the exercise!  I'm likin' the pedals;  not because I can have more biccies.... oh no: it means I can exercise even when it's raining!

I'm looking forward to Moira and Brian's Golden Wedding Anniversary  celebration at Kinneuchar Castle tomorrow afternoon.   Margaret and David (Bowers) are picking me up at 12.00.  The camera card has been emptied and a spare battery charged up.   The forecast is for it to be cloudy with the chance of light rain.... but that won't bother us as we'll be inside.

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