Chilly breeze ....

15th October 2024 (Tuesday)    08.45....There's a lot of cloud, with a light breeze from the East at

present.  "Sunny intervals" are mentioned in our weather forecast, so we can look forward to a bright but chilly day.   The Fife Weather cams show the sky clearing from the SE.   There's an old saying that I remember my Dad using .... "a clear sooth drooned the plooman";  the forecast for tomorrow is "heavy rain with a moderate breeze off the SE!   

10.00 .... The sun has broken through and we can look forward to a sunny day now.   I might go down to Nana's Seat in the afternoon.... if the breeze hasn't freshened.   I'm going to have morning coffee before going up to Elie for a paper, pick up a prescription at the Chemist, then onto the surgery for a blood test.  When I think about it, I'll go to the surgery first!   I'm easily 'diverted', and would probably end up at the harbour, instead of the surgery, if I go to the shops first.

16.30    I expected a lot more sunshine that we've had;  but at least it has been dry.   It was lovely when I was up at Elie but it only lasted an hour or thereabout.    After the blood test I went out to the Woodhaven carpark then back to Elie to pick up my prescription.   I went to the 'paper shop' but it was

busy, so I went to the harbour.           The sun disappeared behind the clouds when I was down there.... and it turned colder.   The cold didn't deter the holiday makers from  wandering down to. and  around, the harbour.    It's good to see the villages busy, and folk enjoying being at the Centre of The Universe.  

20.45    I've enjoyed myself today;  even the visit to the surgery.   When I went out to Woodhaven Car Park I expected  to see a lot of camper vans but it was quiet.   Mind you although sunny when I was out there I became aware of the disagreeable Easterly breeze, and didn't hang about.

The plan is to make Scotch Broth tomorrow.   The slow cooker has been organised, as have the  vegetables.   All I have to do is steep the broth mix overnight, then set the whole thing going in the morning.   Heavy rain with a  moderate Easterly breeze is forecast, so it's going to be a good day for staying in.   This Easterly wind does not agree with me at all.

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