Bonnie start to the day ....

13th October 2024 (Sunday)    09.30 .... It's a lovely autumn morning.... a bit chillier than I like,

but a good day for doing things around the garden.   Better still... a perfect day for walking a bit of the Coastal Path.   I might do the Chapel Green bit in the afternoon.    So far I've only been as far as the gate, but having 'slept in' I'm behind schedule.  Anyway I've had breakfast;  a mug o' coffee is  what I need to get me going.   I have a washing in the machine;  it's gaun tae be cauld on the hands hanging it out!

19.15    My plan to go up to Chapel Green, in the afternoon, was abandoned when a migraine kicked in just after lunch.    I took the pills, found something to watch on the tele.  I don't often find anything worth watching but today I found a, feature length, 'Miss Marple' that I hadn't seen for a long time.   I managed to watch it until the last half hour then fell sound asleep.   Bit of a bummer, because I won't know who the guilty person was until it's on again.   The migraine also meant that I didn't go out with the camera (Chapel Green).

The day hasn't been totally wasted.   I did the washing mentioned above, then cleared and washed a couple of shelves in the kitchen;  and washed the stuff that was on the shelves.  This means I'll have to do all the cupboards and contents therein, next.  I also made a rice pudding.   I planned to put some Carnation Milk in it but forgot to buy Carnation Milk the other day.  However it tastes good, especially with Raspberry jam in it! 

22.30   I was shocked to find that Alex Salmond has died.  Love him or hate him, he did more to put Scotland on the international stage, than anyone from from the other parties did: and, Alex Salmond was the most astute politician in the UK, for many years!  He'll be badly missed, in both Scottish and British politics.

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