Feeling playful .....

23rd October 2024 (Wednesday)    09.00 ....  'Blob' was twittering happily atop the Rowan tree

first thing.... a nice start to what is forecast to be a bonnie day.   "Sunny intervals with a moderate SW breeze" being the forecast.  It's a quiet morning and could be warm when the sun gets going.

I'm going to charge the bike battery this morning (it has to be charged now and again, even when not being used) .... and might take a turn round the Ferry, on the bike, later.  

11.30   The bike battery didn't need to be charged;  but I did have short runs on the bike:  two times the length of the patio!   Had it been warmer I might have gone round 'The Ferry', but;  even though the wind is light, the air is cold, and the sunny intervals have yet to arrive.    The bike is back in the Hutte and there it shall remain until November 12th.  The plan is to go somewhere, in the car, after lunch.

16.00 It has been a disappointing kind of day as far as the weather went;  the sun never really got going.   That said it was a nice enough day to be out and about.  After fiddling about with the bike in the morning, I spent most of the day drawing.  My being 'out and about' consisted of a run up to Kinneuchar in the car ...... and wandering round the cemetery taking a few photos!  

I'm looking forward to having lunch at 'The Rockies' (Anstruther Golf Club restaurant) with 'The Team' tomorrow.   That will be a change of scene.   If I remember correctly it was 'blawin a gale' when we were there in September,.... and I didn't take many photographs.  

21.00    The villages are still busy with holiday makers;  I know this because all the quiet places I go to in the car, the ones Jimmy and I used to frequent, are no longer quiet.   Progress is fine when it's happening somewhere else!    Funny thing is, even though this has been a grey and nondescript kind of day I have actually enjoyed it.   Walking round Kinneuchar kirkyard is always interesting.... and stirs up a lot o' happy memories.   The drawing session in the afternoon was relaxing, and a success, but nothing to write about.  

Iain is coming down for the weekend so we'll make some progress re a Mobility scooter; though that's 
'The Paddocks' housing development - Colinsburgh.
it's not as urgent as it was when the car was away getting it's MOT.   Alice has the 'flu so will be lying low for a few days.... so I won't be annoying her.  Things are quiet at Ivy just now.   

22.00  Oh dear;   I think I might have turned a pair of summer trousers into 'long shorts', having inadvertently washed them in a hot wash with towels. I'll try them on in the morrrrrning!    Being 'me' is full of surprises.  

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