Light fog .....

7th October 2024 (Monday)     09.00 .... It's foggy just now, with hint of dampness but it could

brighten up  in the middle of the day; and, thinking positive now, we'll see the sun.   At the moment it is not overly bonnie outside.  I ventured as far as the gate.  It's a calm start to the day with a light breeze.... the flag on the third green is dangling like a wet rag, and a lack of twittering from atop the Rowan tree suggests that 'Blob' is still 'in bed'!    That said, I had a good night's sleep and didn't get up till 08.25.  I feel refreshed and ready for breakfast now! 

10.30    The sun has broken though and we have a lovely day  .... I might get out for a short walk after lunch, if this bright spell lasts!. Myra is going to pick me up at 11.15 and take me up to Elie to hand in my prescription and get milk.   That should keep me going on milk until I get the car back.   I am well enough stocked up with food.   And chocolate biscuits!

21.00     Well..... the sun broke through and since then we had a glorious, warm and sunny Autumn day:  a string o' them wouldn't go amiss!    We need an Indian Summer and that's what a succession of days like this would be!

Myra picked me up to go to the 'paper shop' as planned.   I got the paper, milk, and four rolls (I like an egg roll now and again).   For some reason I can't remember, Myra's mission to the Post Office van was unsuccessful.   On the way home we went to the 'Pav' for morrrrrrrrrning coffee;  where we met Angela and Graham.   They had finished their coffee, but stayed and chatted  whilst we had ours.   I really enjoyed that, because we are all Members of the History Society... and talked local history.    My lip reading is slowly improving;  Maggie and I  went to a Sign Language class and were introduced to lip reading.   It's slowly coming back, but if I miss the first few words I'm lost.   In future I must tell the other person this.   Today I was successful with most conversations.  I must see about a hearing aid.

With the afternoon being calm and sunny I decided to have a short walk up to the golf course;  and met Kirsty, who was on her way home after playing Bridge with some friends.    We wandered up towards the golf course and were chatting when Elaine came along walking her dog so the three of us had a chatted for a while before the girls went off along the fourth fairway and I went up to the 17th green. area with the camera.

22.30    The weather has changed  since afternoon ;  it has been raining .... and fairly heavily by the look of it, but it's only light rain just now.... and it's warm.    Heavy rain is forecast for tomorrow;  if that is the case, it will be a drawing/computer day for me.    I have a lot I want to do.   I kept dropping of to sleep all day today so I'm hoping  for a good night's sleep so that I'm more active tomorrow.   Hopefully it won't be uncomfortably warm tonight.   Mind you if it is I'll switch on the fan
that cools the room down rapidly.

There's team coming out from Glenrothes to organise a 'Disabled' parking space for me tomorrow.    I applied for a space months ago, when it was proposed that the double yellow lines on Ferry Road, at present active only for June, July and August, should be removed.   I must admit that I do struggle when I have to carry messages, even a short distance, nowadays.    Anyway it will be interesting to see what happens 'ra morra'!   Most of my neighbours always leave a space for me, but at busy holiday times and weekends, now that the villages are busier all the year round with holiday lets, a Disabled space will be invaluable.    

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