Lovely morning ....

17th October 2024 (Thursday)    08.30 .... There's a few clouds around but they the friendly kind;

mixed with long, and warm, sunny intervals.   A lovely day ahead.   After a good night's sleep I'm feeling 'bright eyed and bushy tailed' this morning, but I'll hang around Ivy for another day and not spread the cold around.   I might go for a run in the car, probably up to Balcarres, later.   

20.00    We had a bonnie, mild today;  well until about an hour ago when the rain came on.  It's not going to last long;  just a glorified shower by Scottish standards.

I didn't get up to Balcarres in the afternoon as I'd planned.   The cold has me sleeping longer than normal in the afternoons.   That said I am feeling better and hope to be back to normal tomorrow.    I washed the shower towels first thing this morning; that, and a bit of 'ooverin' and dustin' was all the 'work' I did.   

Later in the morning (after morning coffee), I went for a run, in the car, up to Elie then home by Balbuthie  and Kinneuchar.   (Even that road is busy nowadays).   The stubble fields, at the South end West side of the Balbuthie road, had a big flock of Pinkfoot geese feeding on them.   I might take another turn round that way tomorrow and see if I can get a few photographs.   There's a layby that might just be perfect for parking.... and viewing the geese. This  is when I seriously miss the bike.

I  didn't go down to the harbour today because they had a problem with overflowing drains yesterday.   Apparently there was sewage in the water because of the blocked drains.   I assumed that problem was being fixed today with that big sooker thing.  I'll give the harbour a miss for the next few days.

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