
Showing posts from February, 2025

Bonnie, frosty morning .....

28th February 2025 (Friday)    08.30 ..... It's a lovely morning, albeit frosty with some mist blowing around, but it looks like being a bonnie day, once the misty stuff clears away.   There's thick fog at Lochgelly.   After my exertions yesterday this is going to be a 'rest day' though I might bike 'roond the Ferrie' when it's warmer.   At the moment the auld bones are slightly miffed at being hauled oot o' their comfortable, horizontal, bed!   Vertical isn't good! 20.00    It has been another, lovely sunny day.   There has been (and there still is)  a cool breeze, but it was warm enough for me to get the bike out and force my  legs to pedal up to Chapel Green.   They (my legs) were stiff after yesterdays exercise, and had to be exercised today, and every day that the weather is suitable, until they are 'fit for purpose'.   That normally takes about 14 days.  Anyway I'm enjoying th...

Bonnie morning......

27th February 2025 (Thursday)     08.00 .... We have a bright and sunny, albeit frosty, morning.  A morning for going out.   There's a touch of rime on the car windscreen, but the sun should get rid of that before I need the car;  and only breath of a breeze so it could be warm in the sun.  I might take a turn roond the 'Ferrie' (Kinneuchar Kirk Session spelling) on the bike, ....if it's warm enough in the middle of the day. 19.15    I went round the 'Ferrie' and up to the Pony Field on the bike; it was like having a new set o' legs.   The ability to stop wherever I want, which I can't do   with car.... absolutely magic.   Of course the weather has been perfect today;  oh that reminds me \i have a washing to bring in!  Slight 'Flap on' for the next five minutes!     10 minutes later.... I'm back!   And it's cauld oot there.   Could be frosty tomorrow morning.  ...

Mostly overcast sky ....

26th February 2025 (Wednesday)     09.45 ....  It's a peaceful kind of morning;  however, the sky is mostly overcast.... but there are blue holes here and there (mostly 'there' unfortunately), coming over on a light Southerly breeze.   Actually there could be the chance of light precipitation by the look of the clouds.  The air feels colder than it was yesterday;  luckily there isn't much wind chill.   I've dragged the auld bones unto a vertical(ish) state and we're ready to face whatever Wednesday brings:  starting with an early morning coffee!  21.30    The weather has been a bit of a let down today, especially for anyone on holiday.   I made good use of the bad weather by doing some  work around Ivy in the morning;  and making a batch of Cottage Pies in the afternoon. I took time out after lunch to have a run down to the harbour.   It was raining at the time but only light, and n...

Nice morning ....

25th February 2025 (Tuesday)     09.00 .... It's a nice morning, and the weather forecast is good...."sunny intervals with a moderate SW breeze"..... but it is not overly warm in said breeze.   I'm going to Leven and Methil.   I need a new pail, and Alice needs a colour chart;   plus any other shopping we want to do.  After the shopping, we are going to the local Kirk (Wellesley) Community Centre for lunch.  22.30    My trip to Leven and Methil was a complete success;  in fact it was better than that.... I bought two pails  because they were only a £1!   There was only one colour and that was orange;  had they been green I might have bought 4 and converted them into wee tubs for the patio.   From B n Q's we went to B and M's to buy a few other bits and pieces before heading back to Alice's HQ,  and thence to lunch at the Community Centre.    The Mother's and Toddlers Group...

Bright and breezy .....

25th February 2025 (Monday)     09.00 .... We have a beautiful start to the 'working week;  "sunny with a fresh SW breeze" is the forecast... and sunny with a fresh breeze we have.    It's the perfect 'drying day'; and my washing (jerseys) has been on the line since 07.30.   Although breezy, it isn't that cold so I'm going to clean the windows after breakfast. 11.15    The window cleaning didn't quite go to 'plan';  my window cleaning pail has a hole in it: the water had mysteriously leaked out when I was having a cuppa!   I used a paint bucket, but the windows will have to be done again when I get a new pail.   I am not a happy 'bunny'.    It's coffee time!   The old pail will be recycled as a tub for the patio! 21.45    The window cleaning and the Spring like day got me into a Spring cleaning mood;  so I have made a start with my Spring cleaning!   I'm a  'happ...

Windy and wet ....

23rd February 2025 (Sunday)     08.00 .... It's windy (F5 S) just now, and heavy rain is due  shortly so not a very promising start to Sunday.   I'm going to get the paper shortly;  it will be wild and cold at the harbour so I don't think I'll venture down there.    The wind is freshening, but should moderate in the afternoon and we could end the day with 'sunny spells'! 16. 00    It has been a windy day with occasional rain, so not quite as bad  as was forecast.   I went for the papers in the morning, and then to 'The Store' (Anstruther), and finally home by way of  Balbuthie Loan and Kinneuchar.   'The Store' was a 'change of plan', but I decided to do some shopping before the rain came.   As it was the only time the rain bothered me was when putting the messages into the car boot at 'The Store.   Since then I have been  having a lazy day.   Luckily we've had the Si...

Bright and breezy ....

22nd February 2025 (Saturday)..... 08.45 .... It's cloudier than I expected it to be for a 'perfect' drying Ferry Road lights back in action this morning! day;  however the forecast is good ...."sunny with a fresh SW breeze" , and no mention of precipitation... . so perfect drying day it is!    And a good day for doing the Coastal walk:  for me that means the Chapel Green and lighthouse bits nowadays.   09.30    It's a lovely morning;  slightly chillier than the warm air mentioned in the forecasts, but a good day for going 'out and about'.   I've hung out the washing and will now have an early morning coffee before going to Methil to visit Alice. 10.00   The ferry Road lights are back in action and, thanks to Chris, (who did a short reverse manoeuvre to activate the lights) I got the photo I wanted;  the light at 'Go'! 20.30   I've had a really good relaxing day;  I even enjoyed driving to and from Meth...

Overcast and windy ....

21st February 2025 (Friday)    09.30 .... the sky is overcast and we have a frisky wind from SSW;  I  expected it to be warmer this morning but it's quite cold in the fresh wind.   Disappointing really: I was looking forward to the warm spell that was forecast.    It might be warmer in the afternoon; however the wind is going to freshen (F6 -7) so it will still feel cold.... and I won't be going out on the bike!   "Strong winds with rain" is the forecast.   There was a  Yellow warning for rain today, but it has now been moved to Sunday. 11.45   The air is warmer (unfortunately also wetter) so I'm hoping to go for a short walk, probably the High Street before lunch.   Once the rain drifts away, which it looks like it is doing at the moment.   I wouldn't say that I feel like a frisky Spring lamb;  more like a lamb chop about to go into the frying pan.  Anyway the sky appears to be sli...

Interesting clouds ....

  20th February 2025 (Thursday)    09.30 ....It's a breezy old morning, with a frisky flock o', what looks like rain bearing clouds, rattling over from the South.   'Light rain with a fresh breeze' is forecast, so the bike won't be out today.    There's  yellow warning for heavy rain on Friday so it won't be out tomorrow either.   The temperature should reach 12C  today, but with the fresh wind it will feel more like 8C;  that's considerably warmer than it has been lately so I'm a 'happy boy'.   Now I need a cuppa while I come up with a 'plan of (mild) action' for today.   16.00     After the cuppa mentioned above I decided to have a daunder up to the Pony Field.   It was 'bright and breezy' at the time;  in fact too breezy so I only got as far as the 17th green.    Davie (Bowers) and a mate were working there (laying labs and rubber matting) so I chatted to them, bef...

Brighter and breezier ....

19th February 2025 (Wednesday)    09.15 .... The Fife Weather cams are all showing a more promising broken sky this morning;  and, although the moderate breeze is still from the SE it is a drier wind .... and healthier.   That said it's still a bitterly cold wind, though that should change later in the afternoon.    At the moment we have a cold, brighter and breezier morning, with the chance of light showers.    22.00   It has been a much bonnier day;  sunshine makes all the difference.  Having said that, it wasn't as warm as I'd hoped it would be, but, according to Sean, it should be much warmer tomorrow and for the next few days.   It's also to be windier with spells of wet weather.   But the air will be healthier. As planned Myra and I went to the Colinsburgh Friendship Lunch!    The usual crowd (24) were there:  I was at a table with six girls.   A mix of Kinneuchar, Colins...

Overcast and damp ....

18th February 2025 (Tuesday)    09.15 .... The auld bones were not in the mood to move this Action at No 3 The Courtyard. morning!   However I eventually hauled them oot o' the bed, and they clicked into a (roughly) human shape, and we are ready to go.   I don't know where we're going, because it is not the kind of morning to get excited aboot going out;  however breakfast would be a good way to start .   I've already had a cuppa  to get into gear;  'hey ho' let the Alberto day begin! Although the weather is grey and bleak looking just now, it is forecast to brighten up and we can expect  a few "sunny spells'. 13.45   At long last the barometer pointer has moved.... the first time in five weeks or more.   It (the pointer) has only moved about one tenth on an inch but it's in the right direction.   I think we should begin to notice a change tomorrow.  That said the weather that's coming in, fro...

Nice morrrrrrrrning ....

17th February 2025 (Monday)    09.15 .... It's a lovely morning, albeit with cold breeze from the ESE.   'Light cloud with a moderate breeze' is the forecast.... and that is what we have.  It's lovely day for walking;  or biking if it was warmer!    Actually, I'm feeling almost 'bright eyed and bushy tailed'this morning:  however it's too cold for me going out to play.   Off to have breakfast then get myself intae gear.  19.00   I went to Leven as planned, bought the stuff I wanted, then went to visit Alice.   The lovely morning we had, was changing from a dry air to a damp, and very chilly, one by this time;  and it was 11.10 by the time I was sitting with a hot cuppa and 'goodie' .   Alice's diet allows a goodie now and again.   By the time we'd caught up with each others 'news' Alice was organising lunch.   Home made 'Pulled pork';  and, my word, that was tasty....

Brighter sky ....

16th February 2025 (Sunday)    08.15 .... We have a much brighter sky this morning;  with 'light Trees look bonnie even without leaves. cloud and a moderate Easterly breeze' being the weather forecast.   And, by the look of the sky, we could get some 'sunny spells' now and again.... though there's also the chance of drizzle in the morning.   And, it's  cold but at least it's brighter .....and dry just now! 11.30   I can see a few blue patches in the sky so I'll go for a daunder in the afternoon.  The air is still cold, but there's a change coming, and it should be much warmer by the middle of the week.    I went to Elie for the paper, then on to 'The Store (Ainster) to get  a wee bit of exercise walking the aisles;  picking up bits and pieces on the way.   I ended up picking up £49's worth.  I came home by way of Colinsburgh, to put fuel in the car.     I eventually had breakfast at...

Overcast, cold and damp ....

15th February 2025 (Saturday)     08.45 .... "Sleet with a gentle Easterly breeze" is our weather forecast for the morning;;  but we should have a brighter afternoon.   All the Fife Weather cams looking 'gloomy', so there's no point in travelling to the West of Fife!    Me?.... I won't be 'travelling' further than the patio!  And as for 'Spring'?   It looks like we might have a few corners to go round before we get to 'Spring'!    Orf to put the kettle 'on' ... again. 12.00 .... Hmmmm.    Not the bonniest of mornings for doing the Coastal Walk that's for sure!   Me?  I've been round the patio (once) with the hurdy gurdy, and as far as the Ferry Road.   Oh.... It's all 'Go' on Ferry Road this morrrrrrrrrning;  but there's isn't much actually 'going'.  It should brighten up after lunchtime.   If it does I'll have a few more turns round the patio... four circuits = 100 m...

Promising looking sky .....

  14th February 2025 (Friday)     (St Valentine's Day)   "Happy St  Valentine's Day" to all  'girlfriends' far and near".   09.45 .... Although the sky is mostly cloudy, there are lots of paler areas! .... and the forecast for our area is.... 35 second delay .... is ....5 second delay ..... "sunny intervals with a gentle breeze".    Bring on the sunny intervals!   London and Uckfield (Sussex) have the same forecast;  Ellon slightly cloudier.   Unfortunately the breeze is from The ESE so still very cold!    However is should veer towards the SSE later.   I have no plan to go out today;  I want to shake off the hoarseness.... and going out in this kind of  wind is not the way to do that! 19.00     The weather turned quite pleasant in the afternoon, so  I had a 'walk' up to the golf course.   It was very quiet, with only three people, (a single a...

Brighter morning ....

13th February 2025 (Thursday)    09.30    We have lighter , more broken cloud this morning, and that should lead 'sunny spells'.  Unfortunately there's a moderate breeze  and that's from the East so it's cauld:  and the East wind is not a curative wind;  hence the winter bugs and sair throats.  We should have a bonnier day, but it means wrapping up well.    I've taken the pills, had the shower, and breakfast;  but I wouldn't say that I was in a mood to go out and play.   I'll see how I feel after another cuppa. 11.15    I've only been out as far as the bucket:  that's at the back door, and sheltered from the cold wind.  I'll wander round to the 19th Hole for 13.00  then home again after said lunch!   That will be my exercise for today.   The builders are making big progress with the renovations at No 3 The Courtyard;  so I won't have to go far with the camera today!...

Overcast and wet ....

12th February 2025 (Wednesday)     08.45 .... we have a dreich morning here in Elie and Earlsferry;  the forecast is "cloudy with a moderate breeze" to which we can add drizzle, because that's what we have just now.   It's not a morrrrrrning for doing the Coastal Path. It's not a morrrrrning for doing very much outside!   At the moment I'm having breakfast, after which the brain cell needs an early 'morning coffee'!   10.40     My word.... we have a brightening on the sky and 'bloo' bits have been spotted (and photographed)!    Could we have 'sunny spells' later?      The Fife Weather cams are all showing an overcast sky just now, but let's hope we get lucky and we do get sunny spells in the afternoon. 19.30    It has been a slightly brighter day, but we never had any 'sunny spells'.... and it continues cold!   I've had a  busy day.   I had things to do on the co...

Overcast and wet .....

11th February 2025 (Tuesday)     09.15 .... We have grey and damp start to the day;  in fact I Not today! can't even say that we have an interesting sky.   That's how gloomy the weather is just now.   At the moment we have 'light rain' coming in from the North Sea;  however, all is not doom and gloom;  rain is due to stop about morrrrrrrrrrrning coffee' time.  And (another bit on vital information) ....the Fife Weather cams  are all showing an overcast sky;  the West coast would appear to be the place to be just now.     I'm hoping that the sky might be slightly brighter in the afternoon;  maybe even sunny spells, but the rain going moving away would almost feel like the sun was shining.   We're only a few thousand feet away from a sunny day. 11.00   I'm writing this while having 'morrrrrrrrrning coffee';  having had a fairly busy morning doing 'ousework' things.   It ...

Cloudy ....

10th February 2025 (Monday)     08.45 .... the Fife Weather cams are showing a patchier sky than yesterday;  in fact the Lochgelly cam has some blue patches now and again.    'Light rain with a moderate Easterly breeze' is our forecast;  and it's cauld!    It's brighter towards the the West, so that's where I'm going (Methil) to visit Alice and do some shopping.   It's is too cold to go to Dysart. 17.00    The weather was brighter at Methil, in fact we had blue sky around about lunchtime;  but  it wasn't a day for going anywhere, other than to a warm supermarket which is what we did after a blether and a cuppa.    And some 'Brain Food' that Alice got in the Glenrothes M & S Food hall.   Actually it was tastier than I expected it to be;  and probably healthy eating.   Alice also bought a couple of M & S chicken is a cheese sauce etc 'ready meals';   and they wer...

Cloudy and cold .....

C  9th February 2025 (Sunday)    09.30 .... All the Fife Weather cams are showing an overcast sky, of varying intensity, so there's the odd chance we might get some brighter bits later.   But it's not the sky that's the most notable feature of the weather this morning;  it's the bitter ENE breeze.   And I have only been as far as the gate!In fact that might be as far as I'll ever be today;  I'll take the 'hurdy gurdy' for a few turns round the patio, because it's sheltered from the wind. 20.00    The afternoon weather has been of the cold and wet kind;   not  pleasant  at all.   At least the morning, though grey and cold, was dry. I decided, over morrrrning coffee, to go to Colinsburgh and get a few progress photographs of 'The Paddock's' housing development, for the Alberto Archive.    It wasn't the best kind of day but it would bet me "oot o' the hoose", and give me something to do other tha...