Overcast and damp .....

2nd December 2024 (Monday)    09.00 .... The first thing I noticed, when out feeding 'Blob,' was

the change in temperature;  it's cold.   And, after the couple of warm days we had, the cold air is very noticeable;   that said, this morning's temperature is where it should be in December.  I won't be on the bike today:  at this time of year I have to pick my days, and the two warm days were perfect.  Anyway I'm putting the bike battery on charge.  The sun is forecast to break through by morrrrrrrrrning coffee time (11.00 for me).

20.00    Alber' has been busy today!    The double bed has been changed and I am moving back into that room tonight.   The last of the double bedding (a sheet) is going through the machine just now and will be hung out first thing in the morning.   The rest of it has been washed, dried and ironed.   I didn't even take 'time out':  it was too cold for me biking.   Anyway I'm happy that I've done all that work.

I have decided that it's time I got a hearing aid;  so I phoned the Surgery and the Receptionist told me that all I need to do is get my hearing tested at Specsavers in Leven and take it from there.  It's an NHS funded test.   I'll do that tomorrow.   I was planning on visiting Alice and doing a shopping in Leven tomorrow anyway.    

I didn't intend doing a washing today but when the sun broke through  I decided it was a 'drying day' and that was it.    I set about 'working'.   Although I didn't go out anywhere I had numerous 'tea breaks'.   When I think about it I didn't even do any work on the computer today.  Having said that I had finished working on the calendar;  in fact I ordered it (12 copies) last night at 23.30 (it had to be done on the 1st December to get the discount).... so I had a 'flap on' last night.   As a point of interest the top photo is the front picture of the calendar. The calendars are not cheap;  not in the small number I need anyway.  I got a lot of enjoyment from picking the 13 photos required.   If I do a calendar next year I'll do it much sooner.   This year it was one of my 'sudden decisions'.

It's going to be nice day tomorrow;  in fact a good day for the last of the bedding drying.   If I remember to hang it out first thing.    It's to be dry and cold tonight and tomorrow; more like the kind of weather we expect at this time of year.

22.15    I'm looking forward to booking a hearing test tomorrow.   Somehow I suspect that hearing aids are long overdue in the Alberto lugs.
It's bedtime and I am well tired after all the stuff |I've done today.   Tired but happy.    The last sheet is ready to hang out in the morning.

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