Overcast and breezy ....

 20th December 2024 (Friday)     08.45 .... It's overcast and dark at the moment though sunrise

was at 08.42.   However, 'sunny intervals with a fresh breeze' is the forecast, so the day should be cheerier once the sun gets going.  Thankfully tomorrow is the shortest day, which means that tonight and tomorrow night, must be the longest nights.   

14.30    I've been delivering cards in Elie and Kinneuchar.   It's a nice enough day but it's a cold wind.

15.15   I've been to the Skeith Centre (Anstruther) since the 14.30 update.   As expected at this time of day, and with the workmen breaking off for the "Happy Holidays Season" (what's aw that aboot?) holiday, the roads were busy. 

 The sun was low in the Western sky coming home, and very much in the eyes, especially coming out of Anstruther:  and I don't know how it happened but, I was the lead car of what looked like six vehicles, all the way from Ainster tae St Minnins.   I couldn't shake them off at all!   By the time I got back to the 'Royal Burgh' I was a "bag o' nerves" .... and and well ready for a cuppa!    

22.30   I've had a busy day.  The cards are all written, with only a few to deliver tomorrow.   I've just this minute checked the weather forecast for tomorrow; it's to be windy, with the chance of squally showers.   Not the best of weather.   It could be a good day to go shopping.

I feel that I am 'on the mend'  but I'm not sure if I'll be ready to travel to Auchnagatt for Christmas.  The last time I couldn't go was because of a similar 'bug'.   Emily organised a Skype session and that worked perfectly, with the whole family from the different parts of the UK;  Sussex, Fife and Aberdeenshire chatting.  We might do that again if necessary.  We'll make our minds up on Sunday. 

It's bedtime for me after a tiring day. 

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