Frosty with rime

11th December2024 (Wednesday)    09.30 .... We have a frosty (with rime) start to the day, but

the forecast is 'sunny with light winds' so, with a bit of luck it should brighten up..  The car is covered with rime. And I have a sore throat so won't  be going far today;  however I'll have to go to the Chemist to get some throat sweeties .... or whatever.   After that it will be a stay in and stay warm day writing Christmas cards.

12.00    I've been to the shops (Chemist and 'paper shop';  then to the 'Pav'  for a quick cuppa, and to buy a copy of Graham's book, 'Earlsferry and Elie a Scottish Golf Heritage'.   I didn't stay long because of my sair throat ('Man Throat'), and the Chemist advised me to stay in and warm (which I was planning on doing),... and stay hydrated.   

When I left the 'Pav' I met the Thistle girls getting organised to play the 'Wee Course', and I seriously thought about staying to get them teeing off, but it is bitterly cold so I reluctantly decided to take a few shots of the course, then get back to Ivy and out of the cold.   I won't be going out again today.  

I'd going to have lunch before I begin writing cards.  The 'plan' is to finish the ones for posting today, and get them away tomorrow.   I remembered to buy the stamps!   Slight 'Flap On' now;  need to find something easy for lunch.

19.30   This has been one cauld day, and I'll be really happy when this cold spell is past.  Not only did I have a sair throat today, I had a migraine too.  This has not been one of my better days, but I did the ironing (a warm job) and a wee bit of 'ooverin'.   Nae dustin'!    
Tomorrow is going to be another cold day and I am supposed to be going to Leven for a hearing test;  that costs £50 nowadays!   Specsavers in Leven is the nearest place to have it done:  it's 'free' if you purchase one of their hearing aids.   I want an NHS one so have to pay the £50 to take the result of the test away with me.   The hearing test (if I go) is at 10.00 so I will be back home in time to go to the Rockies for lunch with the troops.  I've been taking the medication (spray) for my throat, but what I do tomorrow will depend on how I feel in the morning.   I'll have an early night in bed  and hope I feel fine.  I'm not 'off my food' or anything;  in fact I enjoyed my own make of sausages and mash for dinner; that just slid doon', without bothering my throat on the way.  

I photographed 'my calendar this afternoon .... and have uploaded the January.  I couldn't do a
calendar without 'Blob' being in it!   Actually January is the only month I annotated... I forgot to do it on the others.   This is just a trial run;  I'm sure I'll get it right for 2026.   I'll begin working on it earlier.

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