Cloudy and cold ....

13th December 2024 (Friday)     08.30 .... Mornings are really dark a just now, especially

when its cloudy;  however in another 8 days it will be the shortest day (or longest night), when we begin the journey towards a sunny, and warm, Spring and Summer.   Hey ... I sneezed;  that cleared the breathing tubes.   I'm feeling brighter but still choked up, so another day of staying warm;  and drinking numerous cuppas etc. should have me loupin' aboot like  a lamb on steroids!  

12.00    Progress with the card writing, though slow, ... is steady.    I have done two so far!   Unfortunately I was diverted by an episode of 'Australian Railways'.   It was filmed in the summer (Oz) so much brighter, and warmer, than the weather here.   This damp air we have just now is not agreeable.   I'm going to have a late morrrrrrrrrrrning coffee, switch off the TV, and put a Jimmy Shand DVD in the music thingy!      

17.00    Although it has been gloomy most of the day, it ended with clearing sky;  and we can see the moon.   It's 96% illuminated tonight (Waxing Gibbous), and will be  'Full' on Sunday.     

I had a short walk down to get another photo  of the Ferry Christmas tree.... with the Ferry High Street in the picture.  There wasn't any wind when I was down there so it didn't feel cold.    That said, I was well wrapped up.... and only out for 10 minutes at the most.   That was my exercise for today.

Before I go to bed tonight I shall clobber this 'bug' with a 'Janice Toddie'.  According to the  'News' The whole of the UK is seeing a rise in flu, and winter ailment cases.   I've had the flu and COVID boosters so should miss them.   

The card writing is progressing slowly, with the ones I need delivered by Rotary ready to hand in to the 'paper shop' .... when I'm clear of this bug.   I think Tuesday is the last day for the Rotary cards being handed in.

22.30    I've had a 'JT'  (Janice Toddie) and hope to be brighter tomorrow;  at the moment I am almost 'speechless'.    But not quite!   But awfie frustrating!  There is a warm front coming on Sunday which will help;  tomorrow is another 'stay in and warm' day for me.

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