Lovely morrrrrrrrrning ....

22nd December 2024 (Sunday)    09.15 .... Thankfully the wind has moderated and we have a

calmer, bright and sunny morning;  but there's still a cold, frisky breeze.   A nice morning for people doing the Coastal Walk.   I might try to go to the beach later but I really think it's another stay in out of the cold wind, for me.   Loads of 'ousework to catch up with so I might do some of that.  

10.00    The wind might have moderated but it's bitterly cold out;  and I've only been as far as the gate!    That said, I'm still in my loungers so the air might feel warmer once I get into day claes.   I like fresh air but this cold air does not agree with me at all.  There's a spell of warm air coming our way on Tuesday which is to be with us for a few days;  I'm looking forward to that; but the weather is 'all over the place' nowadays.

I was wondering why I'm feeling hungry;  I haven't had my breakfast!    'Blob' and pals had their breakfast an hour ago!

20.00    It has been a bonnie, albeit breezy and cold, day so I never went further than Ferry Corner, and that to get a couple of photos for the blog.   Staying in meant I cold catch up with some 'ousework;  and that is what I did..... in spite of feeling sluggish.   (this bug is one of those that might take a week or two to shake off completely;  especially at this time of year.   

The TV was been good this afternoon so I watched while working;  having cuppas at the really interesting bits.  There was a history of the carnage of the trenches of WW1;  that was hollowed by 'Sir Ernest Shackleton's expedition to the Antarctic, (that ended up with  "Endurance" being trapped by ice and eventually sinking);  which lead to the amazing rescue of the crew.  (McNeish, the carpenter on that voyage lived in Earlsferry).   I then had the British expedition to climb Mount Everest  via the SW face, lead by Chris Bonington.   So staying 'in' was no hardship today.

21.30     The water is 'off' due to a burst somewhere, but will be back on by 01.00 tomorrow morning.

I have no 'plan' for tomorrow;  but, if it's warmer, I might go further than the Ferry Corner for my exercise.  Right now, it's Horlicks time then orf to bed with my book;  a mediaeval 'who dunnit' by Suzanna Gregory.    

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