Breezy ....

19th December 2024 (Thursday)    09.15 .... It's a nice morning, and will be a bright and breezy

day once the sun gets going.   I've hung out a washing and, although it's a good drying day, it's a cold one.   The plan is to deliver Christmas cards .... and take some photographs on the way.   I'll have another cuppa before I go out;  by that time the sun might have broken through the early morning cloud.

20.30   We've had a bonnie day, but there was a cool wind.  That said, I actually made it onto the beach when out delivering Christmas cards and it was pleasantly warm in the sun sheltered by the dunes.   Everybody walking the beach was well wrapped up.... and no one was in, or on, the water.   I'm making headway with the delivering and should have it finished tomorrow.  Unfortunately I had the sore throat at the crucial time and have been struggling to catch up with things.  

It was a good day for doing the washing;  the sheets and downie are all ready for ironing;  that will be my next job.   Oops ....there's someone calling on Skype!

I've been unable to contact 'M' (Margaret) in New Zealand for a long time;, but got a real surprise when Skype fired up 20 minutes with a call from Otaki!   Colin and Sue (Margaret's son and daughter in law) are over at 'M's for a pre Christmas visit and Colin made the connection.  I have caught up with the main news from New Zealand;  the main news is that it's coming up to midsummer over there so it's warm!   All is good in Otaki, but 'M ' finds the computer difficult at times.   Anyway that was a good catch up... and a pleasant surprise.

The 'plan' for tomorrow is to get all the Christmas stuff done;  so I'm going to have a busy day.   Iain is coming down on Sunday and we are going to to Auchnagatt early on Monday morning.   Mind you that all depends on how I am;  I certainly don't want to spread this about.   I feel 'on the mend', but from what I get told, shaking this one off  might take a week or two.

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