Bonnie sky at sunrise ....

24th December 2024 (Tuesday)     10.30 .... The sunrise sky was something else this morning.   I

went to the beach to photograph it.... it was so colourful.   The first time I've done that for a long time so I must be 'on the mend'.   I bought another 'Difflam' and more Strepsils this morning to help get rid of this cold.  I've been told  that it takes four weeks, or more, to shake this cold off completely.    Which is why I've had to make a change in my Christmas plan.   Instead of going up to Iain's we'll do as we did during the pandemic;  I organise my own Christmas lunch then we do Skype.   Actually I quite enjoyed doing that, and look forward to seeing everyone .... without spreading the bug around.   And we had a n early 'Christmas Lunch when Emily and John and Henry were in November.   John is  in the Mediterranean this Christmas.  The new plan is to go to Iain and Jackie's at the end of January.   Must go .... 'slight flap on' today.   I've been to the shops so I can now settle down to do all the things that need doing:  switching on the kettle being the first.   

19.00     The weather has been kinder today;  much warmer than of late.  I went down to the Ferry High Street at sunset time, because we had a bonnie sunset.   I'd have gone up to the golf course but the breeze felt cool, hence the short walk to the High Street.

I've been busy today, but I'm still lying low because of the 'bug'.    I've got all the bits and pieces to make a Christmas Lunch.... even Brussel sprouts.  I'm looking forward to mixing with everyone via Skype.   The 'plan' is for tomorrow to be restful and relaxing.
I haven't been able to visit George (Mackie Housing):  I phoned to see if he was available for a visit a three weeks ago, but he had someone coming in.   That was a bit of luck for George because I came down with this bug a couple of days later.  I'll have a chat with him, on the phone, after Christmas.

The villages are busy, but not as busy as they will be for Hogmanay.   I did my shopping in The 'Deli'
this morning, and it was quiet.  It's a 'happy' kind of shop and I'm going to start using it more.  

23.20    The bottom photo is the Ferry High Street at sunset time.   Tomorrow's weather is going to be 'more of the same' according to the weather forecast.  

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