Yessss .... it's bright and sunny!

5th June 2018 (Tuesday) .... 08.00   Eureka .... what a difference without fog
'Polestar' leaving Elie Bay.... and Jim Kenyon on his yacht!
and clouds!   We have a ‘warm and sunny’ this morning, .... and bright colours.    I am partial to this type of morning.    There’s a drying breeze so I’ll put on a washing:   it’s a ‘doing stuff’ day.    I’ll make up my mind what I want to do after I have breakfast.    First thing will be to put on a washing, then bumble along to Elie for the paper.     I’m feeling playful this morning.... but no .... I must do some work first.

22.00     I’m one tired bunny tonight:  when I said “I must do some work first” I didn’t think I’d actually do ‘work’.... but I did.    I did a washing, washed the floors, and pulled some weeds.     And I’d been for a walk out to the lighthouse  before I did the ‘work’.    I was glad to get a visit from George to break me out of work mode.   No wonder ‘The Boy’ is tired.

Elie Kirk tower.
We have had a lovely day;  the only thing spoiling it was the cool Easterly wind.    It did some good;  it dried the washing.    This kind of east wind is good for drying things;   including my delicate skin.

While having a cuppa after lunch I ended up watching an episode of “Extreme Railways”;  this one was about the Wampo Viaduct that the Japanese Military built, using prisoners of war during WWII.   It was strange watching this knowing that my Uncle Lewis was one of the ‘slaves’ used on that railway.    When the prisoners of war, those who were lucky enough to survive, were liberated at the end of the war, they filled in a form where they listed the camps they’d been at.   Wampo was on Uncle Lewis’ list.... so he had ‘worked’ on that bit of the railway.     I remember a painter that I worked with, who was also a POW on the ‘Death Railway’ telling me about,  what is now called ‘Wampo
viaduct’.    He said that the British Engineer Officers said it couldn’t be done, but as Jock put it .... “the Nips said it could be done, and we lost a lot of our boys in the doing of it!”     I felt sad.

I’ve been checking the ‘Trinity Tribune’ Coffee Morning list and there is nothing ‘on’ tomorrow.    The weather forecast is good for tomorrow;  warm and sunny, but with a drying East wind.    Got to drink plenty water on those kind of days.

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