Dreich .....

11th June 2018 (Monday) .... 07.00   Oh dear .... we have a dreich
'Dreich' can be bonnie.
morning.    A bank of low cloud has drifted in from the North Sea, so it’s grey .... and wet;  not a morning for walking.   I have books that I need to take to the Charity Shop (Leven) to swap for ‘new’ ones:   that’s my 'morning mission'.    By the time I get back from Leven the sun might have broken through,.... it’s forecast to do so.


20.30     Although the sun did break through for a wee while, it has been a mostly grey day;  but at least the heavy mist cleared away.    I had a good time in Leven .... and I got everything that I went for.    I arrived in Leven at 09.30 only to find that the Charity shop didn’t open until 10.00 so I did some other shopping.    The Charity shop has a
big selection of books but they are not in alphabetical order by author, so it’s a bit of a browse if you do want a particular author.    Anyway I found half a dozen books, some by authors I haven’t read before, so I’m well supplied with bedtime reading again.

After a lite lunch I pottered around the garden for a bit, filled the bird feeders;  then sat down and did a Soduko.

Shona arrived later in the afternoon;  she’d been at the Library to find out about the Dumbarnie Links Golf Course,  and decided to drop in to see what was happening in my ‘world’.    We discussed the new golf course, and Pittenweem re-cycling among other things, over a mug of Yorkshire tea.   The biggest worry was that the golf course would end up looking like another Drumoig, but that will never happen....  so I was able to alleviate Shona’s worries on that point.

I haven’t been down to the beach today at all;  in fact, apart from going to Leven and
Welsh poppy.
Shona dropping in I’ve had a quiet day.... a very quiet day in fact.    I’ve been keeping an eye on the cruise ship “Black Watch” leaving Rosyth, but it looks like she is staying there for another night:  ‘she’ arrived on Sunday morning.

It looks like our weather for tomorrow is once again ‘more of the same’, which means I won’t be ‘up and out’ early;  not if it’s as wet as it was this morning.  

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