Journey home ....

24th June 2018 (Sunday) .... 09.00    It’s ‘bright and sunny’ with a light NW
Backhill of Inkhorn.
breeze .... a nice morning though still rather cool.    I had a lie in, as did Super Pussy, who joined me in the middle of the night;  now I’m ready for breakfast, and a cuppa.    Then I’ll pack the gear into the car.

20.00    I had an enjoyable run from Auchnagatt;   if anything it was too ‘warm’.   Not a complaint that we Scots have cause to use very often!    I left ‘Backhill’ just after lunch,  and, twenty minutes later I joined ‘Cone Alley’ which stretches from Ellon to Aberdeen,    Even I had no problem with this.    Aberdeen was, reasonably busy, but the traffic was moving steadily.    There are more cones on the south side of Aberdeen.    All this is to do with the new bye-pass connections to the present road
Secluded corner of the garden.
network:  i.e. where it leaves the old A90 south of Aberdeen, and rejoins it (the old A90), on the north side of Aberdeen.    I arrived at Stracathro Services round about 15.00, where I had a cuppa, and a goodie.

The traffic round Dundee was quiet;  everyone will have been watching England v Panama in the world cup.    I decided to stop at the southern end of the bridge (Tay Road) and get a photo of the new V & A building;  Scotland’s first design museum.    It didn’t look very impressive from the south side this afternoon, but the light was from the wrong angle by the time I got there.    I need to be there in the morning light.    Being a warm day I bought myself a can of Fanta from the kiosk, and found an empty bench and relaxed in
V & A building (Dundee) from the south end of the road  bridge.
the sun.   Actually I could easily have fallen asleep.
I arrived home at 17.20, put the kettle ‘on’, emptied, and then parked the car.    I am well ready for my Royal Burrow’ tonight. 
The weather is forecast to be ‘sunny and warm’ tomorrow .... 22c is mentioned.    This weather is to be with us for most of the week.    The first thing I’ll do tomorrow is get a washing done.    I need to go to Leven tomorrow... or Tuesday.  

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