Bad hair day ....

20th June 2018 (Wednesday) ....08.30  Hmmmmm ...everything is wet after
Overcast ... but dry.
overnight rain, and, although not raining at present, the sky is overcast and it looks like there could be more rain to come.    I haven’t been anywhere, having had ‘lie in’, and not exiting my Burrow until 08.00.    I’ll take the car up to Elie for the papers after breakfast;   and have coffee in Harbour House.    This looks like being a good ‘ousework day.

13.30     I’ve been for the papers, and had an enjoyable three quarters of an hour in Harbour House,....  but I’m not feeling sparkly this morning.   I feel a couple of degrees under the weather.    I’m blaming the weather!
I did go down to the beach after I got back from Elie;   even on a dull day the beach is inspirational.     There is an interesting sky so I came off the beach feeling less ‘flat’ than when I went down.    However, today is going to be a ‘rest day’;   I’ll find something to watch on the tele.... then fall sound asleep.

The Ferry beach this morning.
20.30    The sun broke through, albeit weakly, (and briefly)in the evening and it looks like we could have a brighter day tomorrow.... but there is a noticeable drop in the temperature.    The wind is from the Northwest.

I have found the quickest way to fall asleep in front of the tele:  find a football match, then ...  sit back.    After a few minutes of watching ‘theatricals’ I am  sound asleep.    I used to play football but that was before coaches taught you that play acting was part f the game.     Anyway I was sound asleep in ‘nae time’ and woke up feeling refreshed.... though I still feel as if I have a cold coming on.   I’ll take a Lemsip before going to my ‘Royal Burrow’ tonight.   The football?    The game had finished by the time I woke up:  I wasn’t that interested anyway.... just a means towards falling asleep really.    To tell the
Berwick Law.
truth I’m a rugby person though I do like most sports.

There are still a few showers rattling around .... and it is cool.    The weather forecast for tomorrow is bright... dry .... and cool:   the temperature should start to rise again on Friday.    I’m going to have another quiet day tomorrow, but hoping to be a bit livlier.    I’m researching some WWI history on the computer;  that keeps my brain active.

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