Mmmmm .... overcast sky with rain forecast.

16th June 2018 (Saturday) ..... 07.30   Having looked at the Fife weather web- cams I can tell you that Fife is covered with a blanket of cloud, and a fairly
Grey morning.
prolonged period of rain is forecast:  it isn’t raining just now.    I’m having a cuppa before I set about hanging the gate;   though it could be late in the afternoon before that job is done, .... if the rain arrives as per forecast. 

08.45    That’s the gate back in place;   alas it’s spitting rain, so I won’t get it painted until later today .... or tomorrow morning.    I used the correct size of screws this time.... and if the new hinges last as long as the old ones,  I’ll be 106 the next time they need replacing.
I’m off to have breakfast, then get ready for the Coffee Morning.    The rain is only intermittent, and even then not very heavy, so should be OK  for biking.

Heavy rain.
11.30      The rain is steady and fairly heavy now.    I was at the Coffee Morning, keeping an eye on a roof across from the Kirk Hall.    When I saw the roof begin to become spotty, I set off for Ivy, and got home near enough dry.   I won’t be painting the gate that’s for sure.

20.00    The sky is beginning to break up, after an afternoon of rain, torrential through to light, with one roll of thunder;   and it’s still spitting rain.    But hey .... my weeds in the garden are loving it;  the garden was badly needing the kind of rain we’ve had today.   
The afternoon was so bad that I ended up watching football.... well about ten minutes of it.    I fell asleep.     Actually I’m not a football fan .... though there are some skilful players around.    I can’t abide players rolling about, like they’ve been maimed for life, in an effort to be awarded a ‘foul’.... then two minutes later they’re fine.    And the spitting..... I’m surprised that Health and Safety don’t  come up with a ‘rool’ about
Evening time.
The gate is working perfectly, all I need to do is paint it.    Which I should do tomorrow as the weather forecast is good.    I’ll make an “Ivy Cottage” name plate to fix on the gate..... I have one ... but it has been in a ‘safe place’ for about ten years.
There are patches of ‘bloo sky’ towards the west so I should get the gate painted tomorrow.    The beach was quiet when in was down there half an hour ago, but that’s understandable as it isn’t a ‘romantic’ kind of evening.

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