Three blonde ladies ....

28th June 2018 (Thursday) .... 09.30    Oh my word .... this boy is an excited
Kincraig cliffs - Earlsferry.
boy this morning.   First of all we have a gorgeous morning;  which was made even brighter when I met three blonde ladies out for their early morning stroll.    I might be ‘in love’! 
You might think that meeting a trio girls out walking was  enough ‘excitement’ for one morning, but another ‘excitement’ is caused by the heavy lifting vessel “Albatross” arriving back in the Firth.... presumably to remove another of the redundant oil rigs in Largo Bay.   She (Albatross) has been busy since she took the first rig out to Turkey to be scrapped.   Since then she has been back and forth across the Atlantic several times.    Right now she is moored up somewhere in the middle of the fog bank that is lying on the south side of the Firth.   This has been an exciting morning;  I’ll need a coffee in Harbour
Fog bank along the south side of the Firth.
House to bring me back down. ... even to Planet Albert would do!

20.30    I never reached Harbour House for morning coffee.    On the way up to my shed to get the bike, I decided to to cut back a lilac tree that has never ever flowered in the 20 years it’s been in the garden.    In fact at the end of autumn it is going to be ‘very cut back’;  I’m going to get rid of it altogether, and that will eliminate the need to prune it every year.    It has been the perfect day for lilac tree pruning;  and the ‘broon bucket’ (what goes oot ra morra) is full;  yes of lilac tree cuttings.

This has been the hottest day so far in Ivy garden .... we had 23c.    It would be a wee
Elie harbour.
bit cooler on the beach, but not much because the haar didn’t come in this afternoon .... though the wind was from the East.     I got the bike out to go to the ‘Drop in Cafe’ in the afternoon.   We had strawberry tarts with our tea/coffee .... really scrumptious.  I left the ‘Cafe’ with loads o’ secrets but forgot them all by the time I was back at Ivy. 

We have a lovely evening .... warm in the evening sunshine.    It is forecast to be cooler tomorrow.... probably because it is also forecast to be cloudier.    I haven’t a ‘plan’ for tomorrow... I found red gloss paint in the shed so I’ll make a start to the nameplate for the front gate.

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