Fresher air ....

4th June 2018 (Monday) ....    Wellll .... there’s a  change of air this morning
A bit of colour on a foggy morning.
and I feel lively;   it’s not a ‘bonnie morning’, being foggy and grey, but the air feels healthier.    I haven’t been anywhere but, after a quick cuppa, I’m going to the beach to enjoy this freshness.   Slight flap on I feel like doing things, .... I haven’t felt as good as this for a few days.

10.00    The beach is quiet this morning;  welllll ...the bit that I could see was quiet;  a couple out for a morning walk and me.    The sun might break through later, but it doesn’t look  very promising;   might even get a few spits and spots of rain.    I’m not complaining ‘cos this weather suits me.... my frisky level, on a scale of 0 - 10 is at ‘10’.

The Breakwater .... 2004.
20.30     The mistiness remained with us all day, and it’s a foggy evening.... and cold with it.    I’d go down to the beach but there the fog makes even the beach look dejected.    I’ll have a mug o’ tea instead.

I haven’t done that much today.    I filled up the windscreen washer container on the car.    That took a while.    No, that’s not so ... finding how to open the bonnet took the time;   I had to Google that.    Filling up the ‘squirter’ bottle only took a minute.   I fancied going somewhere but, having checked the Weather Cams, and finding that the weather was dull all round Fife, I decided to stay at Ivy and pull a few weeds.    Luckily George came round in the afternoon and I was able to have some R and R.... and a good blether.

Somehow I managed to miss Elizabeth delivering the ‘Trinity Tribune’ (the Kirk magazine);   I must have been sound asleep at the time. ... right enough I did have ‘50’
Ferry High Street .... 2006.
in the middle of the afternoon.   The ‘Tribune’ has a list of dates for all the Coffee Mornings etc right through until the end of August.... oh..  and there’s other important ‘Kirk News’ as well.

We are forecast to have more, and longer, sunny spells tomorrow;   it could be a good day for working on the rhones tomorrow .... as long as it isn’t too hot.    It will certainly be a better day for going to the beach.    Oops, I nearly forgot  ... I have an appointment at the surgery tomorrow morning;   that will be the first part of the ‘plan’.

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