Foggy morning ....

3rd June 2018 (Sunday) .... 08.30    A foggy start to Sunday;   the hope is that the sun will burn it back and we end up with a warm and sunny afternoon.    Not
Main Street Kinneuchar.
that I can do very much when it’s hot, humid and sunny, but I can enjoy sitting in the Hutte and relaxing.    I’ll go to Leven after breakfast;  it’s a good morning for shopping.  


18.00      I bought a ‘half leg of lamb’ when I was shopping this morning; I hadn’t a clue what to do with it when I bought it.... but good old ‘Goog’ came up with the answer.    It’s now in the oven and there’s a lovely aroma coming from the kitchen.    I’ll make individual Shepherd’s Pies with what remains after ‘dinner’ tonight.  
The weather has been ... well ... a bit mixed.    We’ve had spits and spots of rain at times, and the sun did break through the clouds, but only briefly.    It is warm and humid.

Kinneuchar Kirk.

21.00     I don’t know how it happened but the lamb turned out very tasty.   The first thing I did when I read the ‘rools’ was dump the fripperies;  nae garlic butter (I didn’t have garlic), nae Rosemary... didn’t have that either, and nae ‘carving’;   I just cut lumps off it.    It was perfect with mashed tautties, vegetables and lamb gravy.    The next time I do this I will use the ‘fripperies’... and find out what I was missing.    I enjoyed my dinner... and there’s loads left to make a few Shepherds Pies.

I went up to Kinneuchar in the evening.    The weather has been dull and drab for most
Earlsferry High Street.
of the day, and even Kinneuchar  was looking melancholy.    Maybe a graveyard wasn’t the place to go on a grey evening.    I had a wander round the cemetery, ‘spoke’ to my parents, Jimmy, Skipper and Hilda and a load of other folk that I remember from yesteryear.    Too many when I think about it - I must be growing older right enough. 
Tomorrow is going to be much the same as today... and I don’t have a ‘plan’.    If it is dry I might bitumen the inside of the rhone;  it means climbing the ladder, but my knees need the exercise!    I’ll see how I feel in the morning.    Everything I do has to be done in the morning or evening;   the hot part of the day is siesta time.

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