Breezy... but not bright.

18th June 2018 (Monday) ....  07.30    It’s more overcast than I expected it
New 'Pilgrim Route' information board at Chapel Green
to be;   but there is a brisk wind, so could be a good ‘drying day’,.....  as long as we don’t get any showers.    I’ll do the washing... and hope it stays ‘fair’.    The ‘plan’ was to finish the gate today:  but that job also depends on the weather staying dry.    I’ll go for a walk... then make my mind up about the gate when I'm having breakfast.

16.00     I took the car up to Elie for the paper and had a coffee in Harbour House with ‘the troops’.... where we discuss ‘things local’.    We are all wishing Michael (Gilderdale) a swift recovery from a fall he had yesterday.   Jings .... I always thought Michael was about my age, but I found out today that he is considerably older than me.

New interpretation board.
Two new interpretation boards have been put up regarding 'things local'..... one at Chapel Green and the other at the edge of the Coastal Path by the tenth fairway.    The Chapel Green one deals with the pilgrims arriving on the ferry from North Berwick, and their onward journey to St Andrews .... and beyond;  the coastal path one covers Earlsferry Golf Links and Kincraig cliffs.

The washing dried in ‘nae time’ owing to the fact that there’s been a F7 gale blowing for most of the day.     The wind dropped enough for me to get another coat on the gate;  which also dried in ‘nae time’.

20.30   Walking home from Myra and Jim’s, where I‘d been for afternoon tea, I
This afternoon.
happened to notice, when walking home, that there are two interpretation boards at Chapel Green,  one at each end of the east side of the green.    I’ll check the ‘second’ one out tomorrow morning.  
The weather forecast is sort of ‘mixed’ for tomorrow:   windy, with sunny spells and a good chance of showers.    I think I’ll go to Leven;  I need to buy paint for the “Ivy Cottage” sign..... and other ‘bits and bobs’ when I’m there.

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