Nice morning ....

1st June 2018 (Friday) .... Hmmmmm  ... there’s yellow warning of
thunderstorms for Fife today and tomorrow;   well, if we catch one we won’t have to bother about watering the garden.    At the moment we have a warm, sunny morning, with little sign of rain, so I’m going out on the bike after this update.     I am feeling slightly friskier today;  after a long night’s sleep.    I didn’t get out of my 'Royal Burrow' until 08.15!  

19.00     ‘The Boy’ is shattered tonight, after a busy day.    In the morning I went to the ‘Mackie Housing’ complex to visit George in his new residence.    The Mackie Housing, so named because Isaac Mackie, in his Will, left a large amount of money to the village of Earlsferry, and to Kilconquhar Church.    Isaac Mackie was born in Earlsferry on the 23 September 1880, emigrated to the USA in 1901, and became the golf professional at Fox Hill Golf Club on Staten Island.    He died on the 22nd June 1963 in Scotch Plains, New Jersey.     Anyway that is all in the past, and the complex that bears his name, is ‘run’ by a Housing
The ladder.   I couldn't do a selfie!
Association with no connection to Earlsferry.

George has a neat, apartment;  ideal for a retired single person, with access to a bonnie garden area.    We had a cuppa, and put the world to rights ... again, before I bumbled my way along South Street, then up School Wynd to the ‘Paper Shop’.    
Back at Ivy I felt in a mood to do some work, and the job I was thinking of was cleaning out the rhones.    I haven’t been on an extension ladder for a couple of years, so I got the bottom half of the ladder out and had a trial climb up it.    I felt confident so got the other half of the ladder, and, .... cleaned out the rhones.    After the spell of dry weather it was the perfect conditions for rhone cleaning.   I was surprised at how easily I bumbled up and down the ladder;   welllll maybe not ‘easily’, but I managed!    The job was done and dusted before lunch.    Since then I have pottered around the greenhouse and the garden.    However stiffness has set in, and I am looking forward to bed and a good hour reading my book.
Taken just as the rain began this afternoon.

We caught the edge of a heavy shower of thunder about 16.15;  the actual thunder was taking place at North Berwick.    You can watch the lightning strikes as they happen on ‘Live Lightning’:   anywhere on the planet.    The rain never came to much;  what the garden needs, is a good old ‘thunder plout’.

Nae plan for tomorrow, but the weather forecast is for more of what we had today;   including the yellow warning for possible thunder showers later in the afternoon.

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