Easterly breeze ....

26th June 2018 (Tuesday) ... 08.00    Hmmmm .... unfortunately the easterly
Misty morning.
breeze has brought fog in from the North Sea;  hopefully, the sun should burn it (the fog) back leaving us with a summer weather day.... albeit with  cool easterly breeze.    The beach was quieter this morning;   Neil was cleaning rubbish off the beach.... as he does every morning when he walks his dogs;   and there was one other dog walker .... and me.

    17.30     My word .... I have been a busy boy today.    My appointment at St Andrews (11.00) was soon over with, and I don’t have to go back for another six months.    That’s good.   From St Andrews I went straight to Leven  to get my haircut and visit the ‘Local Office’ (situated in the Library).     Neither haircut, nor local office involved any waiting time so I was on my way home by midday.    I've done more driving in the past few days than I've done in along time. 

By the time I’d reached the Blacketyside entrance, just to the East of Leven, I caught up with a tail back of traffic, caused by two lorries with caravans on trailers, travelling
The beach this afternoon... looking West..
in convoy, making for (as we were to find out) Shell Bay Caravan Park.    Every bend in the road caused a hold up, with the narrow bridge just before the entrance to Shell Bay being a big problem..    I arrived back at Ivy at 12.40, after slow, but steady journey;  quite enjoyable in a way.

As expected the easterly breeze brought in the haar, though it was sunny and hot in both St Andrews and Leven.    I had 20c in Ivy garden in the middle of the afternoon when the sun did make a breakthrough.   It wouldn’t be 20c on the beach;  the brisk easterly breeze made it feel like 15c.   It felt like that to me.... and most of the people on the beach were, like me, wearing a wind cheater.

On the way up from the beach I met a lady who’d walked from Buckhaven:  I
The beach .... looking East
remembered when Maggie and I used to do that ....  we walked from Leven.   Those were the days.

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