Summer .....

25th June 2019 (Monday) ..... 09.00     I’m thinkin’ that summer is upon
Our beach this morning.
us:    we have a lovely, sunny and warm with a light WNW breeze morning.    There were a few holiday makers enjoying an early stroll along the beach... and three Heron catching their breakfast.   That reminds me;  I’d better have my breakfast.   I haven’t made my mind up what I’m going to do today;  it’s a bonnie day for getting some stuff done.   Oh .... I have a washing to hang out.

20.00    Yes .... this is summer weather right enough:  let’s hope it stays with us ....  for a few weeks at least.    After ‘morning coffee’ in Harbour House with the ‘troops’ I went to Leven and got all the things done that I needed done;  including a wee bit of shopping in Sainsbury’s.    It was hot in the car;  and that was with the windows
This morning.
slightly open.    I see that this car has air conditioning, but I have yet to find out how it works.    I suspect it’s more sophisticated than opening windows.  
I’ve been feeling tired all day, probably after the driving yesterday.   I really enjoyed Auchnagatt;  a whole weekend without stress.    Absolutely magical.    However, after a quick ‘50’ in the Hutte in the afternoon, I did some pruning:  there’s a lot more still to do... and the weeds are making a big move after the recent rain.   Some of the weeds are a perfect height for detaching from the planet without actually bending down.
Tomorrow morning I have an appointment at St Andrews Hospital;  the result of a recent blood test.   This is a morning appointment;  they’re usually late in the afternoon.    I suppose it depends on when the Consultant is at St Andrews.   Apart
Ivy rose.
from this appointment I have nothing ‘planned’.

This summer weather is forecast to continue for the remainder of the week;  the only ‘fly in the ointment’ being the wind veering towards the East.   Will this bring in haar from the North Sea?  I hope not.... I’m beginning to like this weather.     Our holiday makers will be making the most of it.    The villages are reasonably busy.   ‘Strangers’ are, in most cases, “new friends” to talk too.

I might have a daunder down to the beach after this update;  it depends on how tired I’m feeling.... and right now I am tired.

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