Balniel cottage ....

19th June 2018 (Tuesday) ....  09.30     It’s a lovely morning, but there is a
chilly wind:  that said, when sitting on Maggie’s Seat, sheltered from the wind, it was really warm.    I wish I’d taken a flask of coffee with me.     I might do that tomorrow morning.   
The second Interpretation Board on Chapel Green shows the history of the village:  the three of them give the reader a good, and interesting, ‘potted history’ of our corner of the planet. 

 22.30     Oh my word .... it seems ‘forever ago’ since I crawled out of my ‘Royal Burrow’;   now I’m well ready to crawl back into it after a busy day.    Nor a buys ‘working’ day I hasten to add;  no.... this has been mostly a ‘play’ day. 

Balniel Farm cottage.

After going for the paper, and having coffee in Harbour House with the ‘Troops’ I went to Leven to buy paint and other bits and pieces.    I actually enjoyed a couple of hours of ‘retail therapy’.... welll .... mostly retail browsing, but I did buy the stuff I went for.   Leven seemed to be busier than usual;  perhaps that was because it was lunch time.    I didn’t get the red gloss that I wanted, but I’ll have a look in my shed;  I might get lucky.
After lunch I decided to go up to Balcarres for a walk down the Balniel Farm road:  I wanted to see how the old farm cottages look now that they have been renovated.    The original farm cottages lay empty for many years after the new ones were built by the roadside.... in 1950.   The old cottages look really good... I think both cottages have been converted into one larger cottage.    Anyway ‘it’ looks really smart, and is very
Balniel Farm cottage.
country cottage looking.... in an idyllic spot.

Jim came down in the evening and we were talking about coal mining;  both local and across wider Fife.    I couldn’t be a miner;   there’s nae greenery  underground.    I like my trees in tree form .... not compressed into coal.
At the moment it is raining;  albeit only lightly.    But it’s wet.... and is forecast to become heavier overnight... then peter out tomorrow mid-morning.     I may have a lie in;   I don’t have any ‘plans’ for tomorrow.... not if it’s raining.
I’m tired tonight... ‘playing’ is as hard as working.

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