Trip to Auchnagatt ....

22nd June 2018 (Friday) .... 07.30     We have a bonnie morning;   not
Edzell arch.
quite ‘wall to wall’ bloo, but not far orf it..... a nice day for travelling.   I’ll take the scenic route over the Cairn o’ Mount, that way I can stop here and there and get a few photos on the way north.   Right now I’m going down to the beach for a pre breakfast daunder.

21.00      I had a really enjoyable trip up to Auchnagatt.  On the way I had breakfast at Peggy Scott’s.... which took an hour.    My next stop was at Edzell to photograph the arch, though it wasn’t the best of light for doing that.    I then visited Balbegno Farm, to get a photo of the bungalow that has replaced the two ‘cottar’ houses, one of which I was born in.    I met and talked to the farmer, who is a grandson of the farmer that my ‘Dad’ worked for, as a horseman, in 1938:   this was a really interesting stop.    From there I went too
Fettercairn arch.
Fettercairn to photograph their arch.... the light was still awkward but the photos turned out reasonable.    I then bumbled up the Cairn o’ Mount, stopping at the viewpoint, and other ‘points’ before finally arriving at Backhill of Inkhorn at 15.40.... after a coffee break in Ellon.

We have a bonnie evening here .... fairly breezy and cool but that is forecast to change.    There’s a Scotland’s Gardens ‘open’ day near us tomorrow:   Hazel and I plan to visit the garden in the morning;  then we’re all going to the concert in Kemnay Church Hall in the afternoon.   That’s if I don’t sleep in.    I am tired tonight after all the driving, so I should sleep well.   As long as I don’t fall asleep at Kemnay!

The Edzell arch was built in 1887 in remembrance of the Earl and Countess of Dalhousie.   The Countess died on the 24th November 1887;  the Earl died (of a broken heart) the next day.    The Fettercairn arch (1864) commemorates Queen Victoria and Prince Albert staying at the Ramsay Hotel, Fettercairn.

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