Peaceful morning .....

10th June 2018 (Sunday) .... 10.00     There’s been a shower of rain
Peaceful morning.
overnight, and the sky is still overcast so a few more showers could come our way.    That said it’s a lovely, and  peaceful morning.    I did the Chapel Green walk before breakfast, and although it is grey looking just now, the sun should break through to brighten things up later.     At the moment it’s not a day for going anywhere so I might potter around the garden, if it isn’t too wet;   there’s plenty weeding to be done.

20.30   Having had an even mix of work and play, I have had an enjoyable day.   In the morning, after breakfast, I decided to give the kitchen a ‘deep’(ish) clean;  that took me up to lunch time.    After a ‘lite bite’ lunch, I had a rest hour or two (siesta time) in
Chris and partners on the fourth.
the Hutte doing Soduko’s and resting my weary limbs.   The air was heavy by this time with thunder storms to the south and north:  I’d checked the Lightning site.    The nearest ‘strike’ to us was at Dunbar.  
After another short spell of ‘working’ (I pulled a weed), I was ready for dinner.   As with lunch, I had a ‘lite bite’ dinner in an effort to lose a few pounds:  and went for a saunter, up to the Pony Field for some ‘lite’ exercise.    I could see the dark grey sky to the south... in fact near enough all around us, but far enough away to not be a threat.    By this time the air was fresh, and I enjoyed a quiet bumble around the field.    I ended up sitting on the seat by the 17th green.... watching golfers.    One of the golfers was Chris!    I heard him shout “Good evening Albert” but didn’t see him at first.    I then realised that Chris was one on the golfers that had just left the fourth tee!
Ferry Road. 

The course was reasonably busy for a Sunday evening, with a steady stream of golfers coming down the seventeenth fairway, and cars shooting up, and down, Ferry Road, providing some entertainment.  
Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be more or less a repeat of today’s;   though in could be cloudier.    I don’t have a ‘plan’ but I’m sure that I’ll find something to do.   Walking hasn’t been as painful today;  I don’t know why that is, although it could be because the weather was less oppressive;  and the wind did go to the West for a while today.

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