Sand artists on Elie Harbour beach ....

29th June 2018 (Friday) .... 08.30    My morning walk on the beach was
Misty morning ...  and cold.
short this morning;  we have misty (as in wet Scotch), breezy (F3 East wind) and cool, so not a bonnie start to Friday.    The sun should break through later, but even then it will be cool in the wind.    Jings, I was just beginning to get the hang of ‘summer’ weather.    I might walk along for the paper  and morning coffee in Harbour House;  but, if the Scotch mist hasn’t cleared away it will be the car.

18.00    I got a pleasant surprise when I went for the paper this morning .... no, the sun wasn’t shining at Elie:  I met Neil who told me that there was artistic activity on Elie Harbour beach.    This I had to see.   The weather was dour, and I needed something to brighten me up.     When I arrived at The Terrace (the best viewpoint) I sat and
Johann Sebastian Bach - Elie Harbour beach.
watched as the artists produced a head drawing of Johann Sebastian Bach.    It was interesting to see it happen.    One of the artists drew the outline, the other two used rakes to ‘fill in’ the appropriate bits.    The fourth member of the team was up on The Terrace with two cameras.    I sat beside her and she explained what it was all about.    They were ‘advertising’ the East Neuk Music Festival ... which is ‘on’ just now;  from the 27th June to the 1st July.   I watched them working for a while, then went for coffee at Harbour House, with ‘the Troops’, before going back to the Terrace to see the finished  ‘drawing’.    What had been a dull morning (as far as weather went) was well brightened up by the activity on the beach, and the coffee and company in Harbour House. 

   20.30    With the weather being dour I decided to go to Leven;  more or less for a run, but I’d have some retail therapy when there.    The road was busy with traffic heading for the East Neuk;   actually this weekend will be the start of the busy holiday season.     The villages will be busy for the next two and a half months.    I won’t be
Lassie i/c filming the action.
lonely.    Mind you neither will my car!

The weather for tomorrow is forecast to be slightly better that it was today .... more sunny spells (that won’t be hard) and slightly warmer.    The temperature in Ivy garden only reached 15c this afternoon .... a drop of 8 degrees on yesterday.    It has been cloudier today, and therefore colder.

‘Nae plan’ for tomorrow;  I’ll probably do some work around Ivy.    It’s strange actually:  for the couple of weeks when the wind was out of the West I didn’t have one migraine.... since it, the wind, veered to the East five days ago I’ve had four (migraines).    No wonder I don’t like the east wind.

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