Warm ... but misty ....

27th June 2018 (Wednesday) .... 09.30     Although misty and overcast, it is a nice morning at the Centre of the Universe.    I’ve been on the beach:   the tide was
Earlsferry.    Welll .... a wee bit if Earlsferry from the rocks.
way out so I enjoyed an hour pottering along the edge of the tide.     There is a light easterly breeze, but not enough to make any noticeable difference to the temperature.    It’s warm.... and ... when the sun breaks through it will be hot.     Anyway I’ve had a decent walk... albeit a slow one.


21.30    I’ve had a reasonably busy day;  not ‘working’ I hasten to add.... more your sort of “playing, and finding out about things” sort of day.   The sun did eventually burn the haar back to give us a bonnie summer’s day. Unfortunately the easterly breeze became frisky and it was cool on the beach.    Having said that as long as you were out of the wind;  such as a wind break.... you’d be fine.
Afternoon on the beach.
After breakfast I went to Elie for the papers;   and ‘morning coffee’ in Harbour House with the ‘troops’.      The coffee shop was busy, with visitors browsing the gifts etc. .... this means that the villages are busy with early holiday makers.   The big influx begins next week.... I think.

It may have been cool on the Ferry beach, but it was anything but cool up at Colinsburgh:   this was the ‘Colinsburgh Lite Lunch’ day.   Actually you don’t have to travel very far inland before you leave the haar, and the cool wind, behind:   Kinneuchar was bright and warm and that’s less than a mile inland.   The ‘Lite Lunch’ was (as it always is) scrumptious.    I had mushroom soup then rhubarb with custard....  followed by coffee/tea, with strawberry tarts.   That took care of ‘food’ for today.

Back in the Royal Burgh I went to the beach, more or less to find out how busy, and
The Earlsferry end of the beach.
how cold it was.   It was fairly busy, but couple of groups had windshields up and were enjoying the sun, and there were a few walkers out.    Not many dogs today.   The haar was bumbling ‘in and out’ so I didn’t linger, and went home to watch the football:  Germany v South Korea.     I don’t particularly like this stage of the competition.    Anyway I woke up to find Germany had been eliminated.
Tomorrow is forecast to be another bonnie day, though we might be plagued with the haar in the afternoon ... again.    I think I’ll have a day of ‘rest’... pottering around the garden etc.

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