Pittenweem Re-cycling ....

8th June 2018 (Friday) ....   I think I’ll go to Leven this morning because the
East end of Earlsferry High Street - pre 1947.
weather is overcast and dour looking:  however it should brighten up by the time I get back.
I have just seen some photographs, taken by a friend of mine,  of the ‘display’ that the workmen had at Pittenweem Re-Cycling Depot:  I write ‘had’ because they (the workmen) have been ordered to remove it;  presumably by some ‘Job’s Worth’ within Fife Council.   To me this is vandalism. 

20.00    In the first part of the morning I did go to Leven, and for a wee bit of shopping retail therapy.    By the time I got back to Ivy, and put the messages away, the sun was breaking through..... so I went up to Elie for the paper.... and had a coffee in Harbour House with ‘the Troops’.    Myra was saying that it’s only four weeks today that we go off to Cornwall!  

West end of Earlsferry High Street - pre 1947.
did some weeding after lunch, and ironed the washing that I’d done in the morning.    By this time it was ‘hot’ in Ivy garden so I went in to the Hutte and had my siesta.   
I'd bought a ‘Lamb Moussaka’ ready meal when in Leven, and had that for dinner:   and that was a new taste for me.    Welll... no it wasn’t a ‘new’ taste, because it tasted like lasagna, and I’ve had loads of that.    It was tasty enough but it didn’t seem to be overloaded with lamb.

Regarding the Pittenweem Re-Cycling Depot, and their having to remove the display.  I have emailed Fife Council to ask why this was done.    As far as I am concerned the ‘display’ added to the re-cycling experience at Pittenweem,.... and might even have encouraged re-cycling.    Apart from the acknowledgement  e-mail that came ‘in’ immediately, I don’t suppose I’ll hear any more on the subject.   However I like writing
Present day Earlsferry High Street with the old cottages 'ghosted' in.
e-mails, and might enjoy communicating with Fife Council re this subject. ... and, it will give me something to do.

The next couple of days are forecast to be less breezy, so, theoretically, it should feel warmer.    I’ll get up early tomorrow morning and have a walk on the beach;  then do some more weeding.   The ‘broon’ bucket is empty.

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