Feeling content ....

30th June 2018 (Saturday) .... 08.00    We have the makings of a nice day; 
 .... we have a lovely morning! 
though there is a cool breeze.    Of course, that was earlier, and the sun is starting to burn off  the clouds so it could be warm(er) today.    The beach was tranquil .... and a few walkers were out enjoying this, the best time of the day.   I could have easily fallen asleep on “Nana’s” seat.... where I was having a ‘general contemplate’ after my bumble along the beach.

14.00    My word .... it is 22c in Ivy garden;  it will be cooler on the beach, (which will be busy), because there is a brisk easterly wind.     I’ll have a walk down to the beach later.... after it quietens.   I’m feeling ‘shy’ today.    Actually my knee is bothering me slightly, so I’m resting it.    Right enough, the garden work I did the other day agitated the knee, because I was climbing and twisting.   The problem is that I still think I can do things the way I did them 10 years ago.    Anyway forget all that;  we have a lovely day here;   not as hot as in ‘sunny Sussex’ but hot by East Neuk coast standards.... and I’m enjoying it.    I’ve done some washing, which is already dry, now I’m wondering if I should look for more stuff to wash.   It is the perfect ‘drying day’. 

Ferry Road.
21.30    George dropped in for a cuppa in the afternoon, and, for a couple of hours, we put the World to rights in the Hutte.    Myra phoned to say that our tickets have arrived for our holiday in Cornwall.    That got me into a state of excitement.... so ...    I pruned my tae nails.   This has been an exciting afternoon.     Oh ... I did Hoover up the tae nail pruning’s clippings!

It has been a lovely day, but too hot for me to work outside:  instead I have been backing up photographs onto DVD’s... 98Gb worth.    That equals a lot of DVD’s ‘cos I make two back up copies.    I need to take the 128Gb stick with me when we go to Cornwall, so that I can empty the camera card.    I won’t be updating The Hutte for the whole week we’re away, but I will upload photos, onto Facebook, every day from my
Ivy water lilies.
phone.      I’m not keen on going ‘online’ in a hotel;   but I will take the laptop to sort out the photograph cards, and I don’t need to go online to do that.

Tomorrow’s weather looks like being a repeat of today’s;  sunny and warm with a cool Easterly breeze.    There’s a picnic on the Toll Green after the kirk Service tomorrow morning:   guess who is thinking of going to the kirk.    Actually that’s naughty;  only going to the kirk when there’s food.

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