Excited boy ....

12th June 2018 (Tuesday) .... 10.00   Didnae mean to be so late in updating
Lovely morning.
The Hutte, but I got excited when on the beach;  this hindered me.    I then had to go and have blood taken, after which I went along to ‘the braes’ at Pittenweem for a browse.    The tide was full out and the fishing boats were lying off waiting, for deeper water so they could dock and unload their catch.    So .... I’v e had a braw start to my day;   and I hope you day will be as interesting!

17.00   Oh dearie me;  it was 22c in Ivy garden this afternoon:  this too hot for ‘the boy’.      Fortuitously the high point coincided with my siesta time, so I was in ‘resting mode’, in The Hutte with a cuppa.... feeding ‘Blob’.    Blob is still feeding Bloblings.   
The temperature has dropped in the last hour so I might venture out and pull a weed .... maybe two.

I got the bike out earlier but haven’t been anywhere on it yet.    I wanted to check the tyres etc. before biking up for the paper tomorrow morning.     I’ll also go round Elie Estate, ... assuming the weather is good.    It will be the first time out on the bike for a couple of weeks.

21.30    The sky is awfie dark to the West;   it looks very rainy like.   Rain isn’t in the immediate weather forecast but Wednesday night and Thursday morning could be wet.... there’s an ‘Atlantic Low’ coming in on Thursday bringing gales, and rain, with it.

I did do some pruning and weeding after the heat of the day had passed:  and I
Waiting for the tide.
checked the bike.    The ‘plan’ is to go round the villages, and Elie estate first thing tomorrow morning.    It’s the Friendship Lunch tomorrow (Elie Kirk Hall) so that will take care of food for tomorrow.... and I’ll catch up with all the local news.     Jimmy always had plenty of ‘news’.... okay ... it was a couple of days old by the time he remembered it;   but ....  Jings I’m missing Jimmy’s ‘late news’.
I’m away to see what’s on the tele... there’s bound to be something I could watch.    I’ll top up the bird feeders first;  they like an early ‘breakfast’.

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