Wet ....


14th January 2021 (Thursday)      07.00 .... Hmmmmm .... it’s raining;  and it

ain’t raining violets.  This is definitely a ‘computer day’;  which is a bit of luck because I am in the mood for delving into ‘Scotland’s People’.      I’ll give ‘Blob’ his breakfast, have another cuppa then go for the paper.

09.30    The wind is from the southeast just now, but it is forecast to start veering to the SW in the afternoon and the rain peter out.    I’m hoping to go for a walk in the afternoon:  right now it’s dull and wet.   

 There was a queue outside the paper shop when I went along so I ended up going to ‘The Store’ (Ainster) and doing a wee ‘top up’ shopping.   The messages have been wiped and put away.... and, my hands washed.... again.    From Saturday morning going to ‘The Store’ won’t be illegal, but it will be a less frequent mission.       I have a Tesco delivery coming on Sunday.    The Ivy hatches are battened down.... and the kettle 'on'.

16.30    This has been a dismal kind of day, being overcast with light rain most of the time.   I eventually went to the beach but it was spitting rain so only pottered along to Siward House and back home to the kettle Ivy.  The tide was in but I was too late for the swimmers;  they would have made the dull day photographs come alive.    As it was there was a good number of folk walking the beach and they made it interesting.

It has been a good day for making ‘ready meals’ for the freezer so that is what I have been doing.    That....  and watching the original film of the climbing of Everest.   I have actually enjoyed ‘today’ .... but all that climbing has me tired out.   It will be a lazy evening for this boy I’m thinking.

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