Frosty ....

8th January 2021 (Friday)      08.00 ....  the reading on the garden

thermometer just now is -2c but it will get warmer, up to +2, once the sun rises above the clouds along the ‘sooth’ side.    It’s going to be sunny but cold today.... a bonnie day for walking;  but tricky for biking ‘cos there will be shady spots where the frost doesn’t lift.

09.30    The sun has yet to appear above the low the moment the thermometer remains at -2c.   I haven’t been or the paper yet but I have prepared the vegetables, tautties etc. ready for making a batch of ‘Cottage Pies’ for the freezer....  that’s part of today’s ‘plan’.    I’ll have another cuppa then ‘loup into the car’ and go for the paper.

22.00     I’ve been a busy boy today;    wellll.... maybe not quite ‘boy’;  but I have been busy.  The Cottage Pies are in the freezer and that mission took care of most of the morrrrrrrrrrrning.      I then did the ‘loup into the car’ thing and went for the paper.... and down to the harbour.   This was a brave move for me because one of the main things that fires up my asthma is .... cold air.    And it was cold at the harbour.    Silly boy.    I had a couple of puffs of the Blue inhaler then went back to Ivy .... turned up the heating, and had a hot cuppa.   The harbour might not be included in tomorrow’s itinerary.  

Later in the afternoon (Sunset time) I went to the beach... there was hardly any wind and I was well wrapped up so the breathing was fine this time.   Tomorrow is going to be cold but not as cold as it was today.    Today’s ‘plan’ featured feeding ‘Blob’ his digestive biscuit crumbs at regular interval;   and breaking the ice on the water.

Digestive Biscuits!    I looked for digestive biscuits, in ‘The Store’, on the run up to

Christmas/ New Year, but, the shelf where I would normally expect to find them was always empty.    In the end I reached the conclusion that digestive biscuits must be used in some cooking/baking recipe.  Luckily I had a few packets that kept ‘Blob’ going over the Festive Season.   Digestive Biscuits are back on the shelf.

Orf to make my bedtime mug of Horlicks;  and have a look at the ‘News’.   The ‘School Bully President’ appears to have finally been told to accept that he has lost the election and to agree to a peaceful handover of power to the new President.   Let’s hope that the USA can settle down now, after all the furore of the past few days.

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